Conference proceedings

Displaying 1 - 10 of 11 in Environmental exposures and human health (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Air pollution exposure and respiratory health

(Corresponding) Ntarladima A., Vaartjes I., Grobbee D., Dijst M., Schmitz O., Uiterwaal C., Dalmeijer G., Ent C., Hoek G., Karssenberg D.
Environmental exposures and human health
Background: Studies relating air pollution exposures and health in children tend to show inconsistent associations. The most of the studies rely on the front-door air pollution estimates to represent individual exposure; however, there is evidence that residential address exposures tend to...Read more
air pollution, exposure, asthma, wheeze, lung function
Paper ID: 

Effect of iodine containing irrigation water on plant physiological processes of bean and potato cultivated in different soils

(Corresponding) Dobosy P., Vetési V., Kröpfl K., Sandil S., Óvári M., Rékási M., Záray G.
Environmental exposures and human health
Iodine deficiency is a well known environmental health problem in several regions of the world. Fruits and vegetables have been proven to be an effective way to increase iodine intake for humans by iodine enriched edible plants. In our study plant physiological processes of potato and bean plants...Read more
bean, potato, biofortification, iodine deficiency, micro nutrients
Paper ID: 

Environmentally friendly disinfection of air and surfaces in medicine

Pintarič Š., (Corresponding) Pintarič R., (Corresponding) Henigman U., (Corresponding) Janković L.
Environmental exposures and human health
Hospitals are faced with increasingly resistant strains of microorganisms. When it comes to disinfection, individual parts of electronic equipment of angiology diagnostics such as patient couches of computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners prove to be very hard to...Read more
disinfection, electrolized oxidizing water, air, surface, microbial resistance
Paper ID: 

Biomonitoring of 21 phthalate metabolites in Slovak pre-school and school age children related to their consumer practices

(Corresponding) Šidlovská M., Hlisníková H., Petrovičová I., Kolena B., Wimmerová S., Pälmke C., Koch H.
Environmental exposures and human health
Consumer practices are considered to be the main source of human exposure to phthalates. The aim of our study was biomonitoring of low molecular weight phthalate (LMWP) and high molecular weight phthalate (HMWP) metabolites in Slovak pre-school (n=100; age range 1-6 years) and school age children (...Read more
biomonitoring, phthalates, children, consumer practices
Paper ID: 

Experimental approach for metabolic disorders as a tool to investigate impact of environment on reproductive health

(Corresponding) Pavlova E., Lakova E., Vladov I., Zapryanova S., Gluhcheva Y., Ivanov I., Svechnikov K., Atanassova N.
Environmental exposures and human health
The epidemics of obesity and diabetes have occurred contemporaneously with increasing use and exposure to environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals. Metabolic disorders affect male reproductive potential due to low sperm count and quality, reduced sperm motility and suppression of...Read more
reproductive health, endocrine disruptors, metabolic disorders, obesity, diabetes mellitus
Paper ID: 

Potential Links between Precipitation and Anthrax Outbreak at North-West Siberia

(Corresponding) Ezhova E., Orlov D., Malkhazova S., Drozdov D., Gennadinik V., Kaverin D., Zilitinkevich S., Kerminen V., Petäjä T., Kulmala M.
Environmental exposures and human health
West Siberia is a region subject to fast warming and unstable precipitation regime. In 2016, the most devastating anthrax outbreak in seventy years occurred in the northern part of the region. A working hypothesis suggests that permafrost thawing led to an exposure of old infected carcasses. We...Read more
anthrax, permafrost, snow, precipitation, CALM
Paper ID: 

Emissions of volatile organic compounds from flex printing facility

(Corresponding) Savic B., Tanovic P., Janjic N.
Environmental exposures and human health
The present study was undertaken to investigate, the level of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in working zone of flex printing facility in Novi Sad, Serbia. The levels of VOCs were determined at four sampling position: at the machine; at a distance of 3 m from the machine; at the outlet of...Read more
flex printing, VOCs, occupational safety and health
Paper ID: 

Assessment of radon concentration in a residential building – a case study

(Corresponding) Singovszka E., Vertal M., Estokova A.
Environmental exposures and human health
It is known that the highest contribution to the yearly radiation dose for population derives from natural radioactivity. About 50% of that is estimated to be caused by exposure to radon (Rn) and its products. Human exposure to indoor Rn is currently considered as a relevant research topic, because...Read more
radioactivity, indoor air quality, radon, ventilation
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Evaluation of the human exposure to a broad spectrum of organic chemicals and the potential use of sewage sludge to prioritize hazardous substances

(Corresponding) Gil-Solsona R., Nika M., Alygizakis N., Bustamante M., Villanueva C., Foraster M., Gómez-Roig M., Llurba-Olive E., Sunyer J., Dadvand P., Thomaidis N., (Corresponding) Gago-Ferrero P.
Environmental exposures and human health
Chemicals are part of our daily lives, and we are exposed to multiple chemicals through multiple pathways. Relevant scientific evidence contributing to regulation of hazardous chemicals requires a holistic approach to assess simultaneous exposure to multiple compounds. In this sense, recent...Read more
Human biomonitoring, HRMS, wide-scope screening, emerging pollutants
Paper ID: 

Training Opportunities for Estonian Elite Athletes in the COVID-19 situation

Parm Ü., Tomingas T., (Corresponding) Tamm A.
Environmental exposures and human health
COVID-19 pandemic influences different aspects of society, especially sports. The aim of research was to assess the changes in training conditions and aspects of training of Estonian elite athletes in the COVID-19 situation and get feedback of athletes` assessment about pandemic impact of the on...Read more
COVID-19, elite athletes, training conditions
Paper ID: 