Conference proceedings

Displaying 31 - 39 of 39 in Air pollution (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Multi-scale high-resolution atmospheric emission inventory for the transport sector

(Corresponding) Lopes D., Augusto B., Rafael S., Graça D., Rosa M., Relvas H., Ferreira J., Reis J., Lopes M.
Air pollution
This study aims to develop a multi-scale atmospheric emission inventory for the transport sector with high spatial and temporal resolution using Portugal as a case study. For that, a combination of the traditional method of emissions calculation with an innovative way to gather and process data (...Read more
Big data, critical air pollutants, road transport; railways; aviation; air quality modelling
Paper ID: 

Black Carbon characterization with Raman spectroscopy and machine learning techniques: first results for urban and rural area

(Corresponding) Drudi L., Giardino M., Janner D., Pognant F., Matera F., Sacco M., Bellopede R.
Air pollution
Among the chemical substances of Particulate Matter (PM), there is a considerable quantity of black carbon (BC), which is linked to adverse public health effects and climate change. This study aims to develop an innovative method for the source apportionment of BC inside the PM, using Raman...Read more
Fossil fuel, Biomass burning, Source apportionment, D Band, G Band
Paper ID: 

Climate change, air pollution, and risks to honeybees – a review of biomonitoring data

Soares S., Delerue-Matos C., (Corresponding) Oliveira M.
Air pollution
Environmental pollution and climate change are among the biggest concerns of the World population and represent an increased risk for the survival of very sensitive animals and insects, including honeybees. Environmental health monitoring can be performed through the biomonitorization of sentinel...Read more
Environmental biomonitoring; Sentinel species; Bees; Metals; Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Paper ID: 

Source profile of PM10 emission sources in Western Macedonia, Greece, during 2022

(Corresponding) Gkaras S., Triantafyllou E., Dougali A., Diamantopoulos C., Tolis E., Triantafyllou A.
Air pollution
Government energy policy strategies which are intended to encourage the reduction of lignite energy production, has a negative impact on industrial activities in the region of Western Macedonia, leading to important changes of the atmospheric emission profile. Taking into consideration the current...Read more
PM10, Source profiles, laboratory generated-dust system, elemental composition
Paper ID: 

Evaluation of solid sorbents for acid flue gas emissions treatment

(Corresponding) Ravina M., Cerutti A., Marotta E., Zanetti G., Panepinto D., Ruffino B., Zanetti M.
Air pollution
Removal of acid gases from exhaust emissions of industrial applications (SOx, HCl, HF) still represents a challenge for many sectors, in particular for waste to energy facilities. In dry absorption processes, the solid reagent (typically Ca(OH)2 or NaHCO3) is injected countercurrent to the gas in a...Read more
flue gas treatment, gas absorption, HCl, solid sorbents
Paper ID: 

Seasonal fluctuations of PM2.5 concentrations at six Greek islands

(Corresponding) Fameli K., Kotrikla A., Polydoropoulou A., Mihalopoulos N., Grivas G., Stavroulas I.
Air pollution
PM2.5 concentrations in urban areas vary significantly spatially and seasonally. Measurements can be affected by multiply parameters such as anthropogenic activities, meteorological conditions as well as land use. In the present study one-year PM2.5 measurements from the network of low-cost sensors...Read more
PM2.5, low-cost sensors, air quality, Greece, Aegean
Paper ID: 

Monitoring Air Quality in Cyprus (2016-2022)

(Corresponding) Chtristofidou M., Rossidou E., Kozakou S., Michael N., Poulli K., Kokkinofta .
Air pollution
Air pollution is a significant environmental threat to public health worldwide. In Cyprus, the laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Control of Effluents of the State General Laboratory in collaboration with the competent Authorities, the Department of Inspection of the Ministry of labour,...Read more
air quality, monitoring, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, heavy metals, ions
Paper ID: 

Fluctuation of Nighttime Ground Level Ozone Due to Artificial Light

Mohamad Nazir A., Ramli N., (Corresponding) Ismail M., Awang N., Nordin N., Abdul Wahab S.
Air pollution
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation creates ground-level ozone (O3) during the day and is subsequently eliminated by nitrogen oxides at night. However, excessive artificial light use, those results in light pollution, may interfere with the chemistry of ground-level O3 at night by supplying enough energy to...Read more
nighttime chemistry, ozone production, anthropogenic light
Paper ID: 

Air quality monitoring and control in complex environments by advanced and integrated system

(Corresponding) Zarra T., Mariniello A., Marino V., Oliva G., Valentino E., Lalicata G., Caputo F., Naddeo V., Belgiorno V.
Air pollution
Large civil engineering projects, such as the construction and expansion of Ports are strategic actions for the social and economic development of territories. Air gaseous emissions are among the most important environmental pressures linked to all stages of these projects. Prolonged exposure to...Read more
air pollution; continuous monitoring; particulate matter; port area
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