CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Identification and Quantification of Microplastic in Sewage systems by TED-GC-MS
(Corresponding) Altmann K., Goedecke C., Bannick C., Abusafia A., Scheid C., Steinmetz H., Braun U.
Microplastics in the marine environment
Over the last years, the number of publications reporting the amount of microplastic (MP) all over the world increased rapidly. But harmonised sampling, sample preparation and analysis strategies are missing. Commonly used methods are very time consuming and not comparable to each other. Hence,...Read more
microplastic, TED-GC-MS, microplastic analysis, grey water, waste water treatment plant, combined sewer system
Employing data-driven models in the optimization of chemical usage in water treatment plants
(Corresponding) Kandris K., Romas E., Tzimas A., Gavalakis E.
Enviornmental data analysis and modelling
One of the most challenging tasks in potable water production is the cost-efficient and consistent operation of water treatment plants (WTPs) that treat raw water of variable quality and quantity. To increase process stability and optimize the usage of resources, two data-driven models simulated...Read more
Water treatment optimization, Data-driven modelling, Water treatment plant
A computationally efficient metamodeling-based approach for the automatic calibration of coupled hydrodynamic and water quality models
(Corresponding) Kandris K., Romas E., Tzimas A., Pechlivanidis I., Giardino C., Bresciani M., Schenk K., Bernert H.
Enviornmental data analysis and modelling
Computational budget is a severe limitation on the automatic calibration of expensive hydrodynamic and water quality models. To tackle this limitation, the present work formulated a metamodeling-based approach for parameter estimation of such models and assessed the computational gains of this...Read more
Metamodeling; calibration; hydrodynamics; water quality modeling
Water resources management in education for sustainable development
(Corresponding) Tzaberis N., Paraskeva D., Tatarakis N.
Water treatment
Issues relating to water resources are included among the most serious environmental problems. Pollution and deterioration of the receiving surface water and groundwater, mainly from human activities, pose an immediate threat to natural ecosystems and the functions of biosphere reserves, the...Read more
Water resources management, education for sustainable development
Microbiological treatment of water by cold plasma at atmospheric pressure
(Corresponding) Cubas A., Machado M., Moecke E.
Water treatment
Ensuring the world's population access to drinking water is one of the millennium's challenges, for although our planet is made up of 70% of water, poor distribution and water quality are problems that concern world leaders, being among the objectives of development 2030 agenda set by the...Read more
water treatment, cold plasma, microbiological treatment
Triclosan occurrence in European Sewage Treatment Plants and risk assessment for the European rivers
Thomaidi V., Matsoukas C., (Corresponding) Stasinakis A.
Emerging pollutants
The purpose of this study was to estimate the environmental risk associated with the existence of triclosan (TCS) released from municipal wastewater in the European rivers. A literature review was held to record the concentration levels of TCS in effluents of European Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs...Read more
micropollutants, wastewater, risk assessment, Monte Carlo simulation, river water
Thomaidi V., Tsahouridou A., (Corresponding) Petreas M., Stasinakis A., (Corresponding) Kalantzi O.
Drinking water safety
The purposes of this study were to investigate the presence and potential health risks of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in drinking water. An extended literature review was initially conducted to collect monitoring data of PFCs in drinking water, worldwide. In order to assess the potential risk...Read more
perfluorinated compounds, drinking water, human health risk assessment
Sustainable purification of greywater with green walls
(Corresponding) Boano F., Caruso A., Costamagna E., Fiore S., Demichelis F., Ridolfi L., Galvão A., Pisoeiro J., Rizzo A., Masi F.
Water and wastewater reuse
In this study, we describe a sustainable system for treatment and reuse of grey wastewater in urban areas through vertical green walls constructed on unused surfaces of buildings. The system integrates the benefits linked to the introduction of green spaces in urban areas with the advantages...Read more
domestic wastewater, green walls, greywater treatment, nature-based solutions, sustainable water management
Assessment of water quality of Asopos River in central Greece using multivariate analysis
Tsadilas C., Tzouvalekas M., (Corresponding) Evangelou E., Papadopoulos S., Papadoulis A., Petsoulas C., Tsitouras A., Grypari P., Smyrnis T.
Lakes, rivers, estuaries and ecosystem health
The main objective of this study was to assess the quality of water from five monitoring stations in Asopos River (central Greece), and evaluate the main factors that affect the river water quality. Fifty one biochemical parameters measured both in situ and in the laboratory three times a year for...Read more
water quality, industrial pollution, agricultural practices, multivariate analysis
Water Security of rural water supply systems in super typhoon Haiyan affected areas
Water and climate services - challenges and user-tailored developments
The rural water supply systems in the countryside necessitate sustainability and security assessment to ensure long-term and safe water supply to target beneficiaries. The objective of the study is to analyse the hidden threatening factors in water supply system and recommends sustainability and...Read more
Key words: water supply system water security, water security models, rural water supply systems