CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Treatment of drinking water by UV/Cl2: a study of β-cyclocitral, a cyanobacterial taste & odor compound.
Avagianos C., Antonopoulou M., Dimotikali D., Hiskia A., (Corresponding) Kaloudis T.
Water treatment
Homogeneous photocatalytic processes are receiving increased interest with regards to drinking water treatment for emerging pollutants. Especially the UV/Cl2 technique has a potential for real large-scale applications as it can combine disinfection with chemical oxidation using processes that are...Read more
Optimization of fabric phase sorptive extraction for the determination of selected pharmaceuticals in environmental waters
Emerging pollutants
There is a growing public and scientific concern about the possibility of ecosystem and human health effects from pharmaceuticals in environment. Results have shown that several types of environmental waters (drinking water, groundwater, surface water, treated water) were contaminated by the...Read more
Fabric phase sorptive extraction, HPLC-DAD, water samples, microextraction, sol–gel
Stakeholder Participation in Prioritization of Water Supply and Demand in Jordan
(Corresponding) Shammout M., Shatanawi M.
Efficient water resources management in cr(vi) impacted water bodies
Stakeholder participation in prioritization of water supply and demand was developed to assist water resource entities and water users on decision making when coping with water scarcity, climate change and contaminated water in Zarqa River Basin, Jordan. The basin was selected for CrITERIA project...Read more
stakeholder participation, water management, water scarcity, Zarqa Basin
Overrated Credence to the Outdated Sand Mining Legislations - A hydrologically challenged measure
Varadharajan S.
Hydrology and water resources
The recent floods in the 'God's own Paradise'(Kerala) reminds the Indian Sub-Continent as well as the Global spectators of not just heavy rainfall but also the 'hungry water effect' from deranged desiltation. Laws from the first decade of independence...Read more
Coal fly ash zeolites as adsorbents for effective removal of heavy metals and dyes from contaminated waters
Zgureva D., (Corresponding) Boycheva S., Behunová D., Václavíková M.
Wastewater treatment
Recently, the purification of enormous amounts contaminated industrial, agricultural and municipal waters increases the demands of low-cost and technologically feasible techniques. The application of natural zeolites in wastewater treatment is known from many years. A feasible approach for...Read more
Waste water treatment, Fly ash zeolites, Heavy metals, Dyes, Adsorption
Magnetite nanoparticles activated coal fly ash zeolites with application in waste water remediation
(Corresponding) Boycheva S., Miteva S., Trendafilova I., Zgureva D., Václavíková M., Popova M.
Wastewater treatment
The application of zeolites in wastewater treatment is studied long ago but still many unexploited opportunities exist. Recent investigations on natural and synthetic zeolites in water decontamination are focused on the improvement of their adsorption and ion-exchange properties modifying them by...Read more
Waste water treatment, Magnetic zeolites, Fly ash zeolites, Magnetite nanoparticles
(Corresponding) Vahur K., (Corresponding) Udras H., (Corresponding) Keir K.
Drinking water safety
Water is macro-nutrient without which we can´t live. Nowadays people often prefer to buy bottled water instead of drinking the tap water. Stores are full of different bottled waters and studies have demonstrated that people tend to consider the bottled water to have high quality. The aim of this...Read more
Rapid bacteria detection in drinking water samples with on-chip Mach-Zehnder Interferometers
(Corresponding) Angelopoulou M., Petrou P., Misiakos K., Raptis I., Kakabakos S.
Drinking water safety
Drinking water contamination by pathogenic bacteria poses a great danger for public health, since according to WHO 5 million deaths are associated to water related diseases annually. To safeguard drinking water quality, several techniques for bacteria detection, such as culturing and plating, ELISA...Read more
immunosensor, Mach-Zehnder Interferometers, bacteria, drinking water
Radiation-induced degradation products of 2-methyl isoborneol and geosmin: the role of different reactive species
Water treatment
Gamma radiolysis can serve as an effective method for the degradation of organic water pollutants, due to the production of reactive species, oxidative (OH•, OOH•, O2•-) or reductive (eaq-, H•). The application of scavengers enables the selective production of these species. Our aim was to explore...Read more
Harmonization of sampling and chemical analysis for the study of Cr(VI) water contamination in aquifers of eastern Mediterranean and Oman: the CrITERIA project experience
(Corresponding) Argyraki A., Kelepertzis E., Pyrgaki K., Botsou F., Megremi I., Dermatas D.
Efficient water resources management in cr(vi) impacted water bodies
The CrITERIA project aims to deliver a harmonized data base, to assist water resource management organizations and water users on decision making when coping with water scarcity, climate extreme events and contaminated water. Contamination by Cr(VI) is used as an example of a specific water...Read more
sampling, analysis, water, hexavalent chromium, quality control