CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
A comparative assessment of alkali-activated stabilisers including waste materials, for the treatment of swelling-shrinking soils
(Corresponding) Mavroulidou M., Gray C., Gunn M.
Solid waste management
Swelling-shrinking soils (also known as expansive soils) experience very considerable volume changes upon changes in moisture content, thus causing major damages to lightweight structures, pavements, slopes and utilities. To counteract this problem chemical stabilisation of this type of soil with...Read more
chemical ground improvement; alkali-activated cements; ground granulated blast furnace slag; paper sludge ash; solid waste management
Sustainable management of solid waste by advanced decision-making tool
(Corresponding) Cieri V., Zarra T., Belgiorno V., Naddeo V.
Waste management
Waste management has always been a critical problem globally. In the solid urban waste sector, generally, waste production is related to the people's lifestyles. The spread of COVID-19 has led to a drastic and unusual change in people's lifestyles. The adoption of a prolonged lockdown...Read more
Waste Printed Circuit Boards (WPCBs) as a potential source for the recovery of rare earth elements through bioleaching.
(Corresponding) Gonzalez Baez A., Pantoja Muñoz L., Garelick H., Purchase D.
Electric and electronic waste
Rare earth elements (e.g., neodymium, dysprosium and praseodymium) have contributed to the miniaturization, energy efficiency, durability, and high speed of many technology gadgets. Due to their electric conductivity, magnetic, luminescence and optical properties, rare earth elements (REE) are...Read more
Seafood wastes as an attractive biosorbent: Chitin-based shrimp shells
Bahadır T., Gök G., (Corresponding) Çelebi H., Şimşek İ., Gök O.
Wastewater treatment
In recent years, water quality deteriorated with Zn (II) ions has started to take place among the important environmental problems. Zn (II) is a primary type of toxic and bioaccumulative pollutant commonly found in industrial wastewater. Biosorption is the most practical method in the treatment of...Read more
Biosorption, Chitin, Seafood waste, Shrimp shell, Zinc ion
Citizens’ perceptions towards urban solid waste management system: Case Study of the Municipality of Kozani
(Corresponding) Adamidis T., Latinopoulos D.
Waste strategies development
The aim of this study is to investigate, through a survey the perceptions and attitudes of citizens about urban solid waste management system in the Municipality of Kozani.
The objective of this survey is to obtain information related to: the actual behavior of citizens, the determining factors...Read more
Declassification of drilling waste from oil & gas exploitation through end-of-waste criteria to be used as construction materials
Kazamias G., (Corresponding) Zorpas A.
Hazardous waste management
All activities related to Oil & Gas Exploration, Production, Storage and Transportation involve waste generation associated to potential risk to environment. Waste types are related to Exploration and Producing (E&P) activities. These activities are: Drilling operations, Production...Read more
end-of-waste criteria, drilling waste, Oil & Gas Exploration, construction materials
The environmental benefits of small-scale timber frame dwellings for utilization of forested and rural remote areas in Greece
(Corresponding) Psilovikos T., (Corresponding) Stergiadou A., Moutsopoulos D.
Spatial environmental planning
Wood is the only renewable material produced by photosynthesis. Wood has the ability to preserve the stored carbon in its molecular structure as long as remain within a structure. Small-scalelightweight timber dwellings are gaining recognition in Europe after the dominance of concrete and steel...Read more
Implementing Circular Economy in Wineries: The Case of Greece
(Corresponding) Kounani A., Sotiropoulou E., Seleventi M.
Circular economy and industrial symbiosis
Grape is considered one of the largest fruit crops in the world, since its 2017 production, the vast majority of which was used in winemaking, reached 74 MT globally and 24 MT in the EU. The main target of this paper is to highlight the urgent need for transforming the linear model into a circular...Read more
Biobased Lubricants within a Circular Economy Concept: Utilization of Spent Coffee Grounds as an Alternative Sustainable Feedstock
(Corresponding) Dodos G., Deligiannis A., Karonis D., Zannikos F.
Circular economy and industrial symbiosis
The economy is gradually transitioning to a circular model that extends resources, reduces waste and requires a great deal of creative thinking. Both established and emerging global economies view waste as a bioresource for our next generation energy, chemicals, or platform molecules and materials...Read more
Solid Waste Reuse in the Balkan-Mediterranean Region
(Corresponding) Angelis-Dimakis A., Arampatzis G., Alexopoulos A., Pantazopoulos A., Angelis V.
Circular economy and industrial symbiosis
The wide implementation of circular economy and industrial symbiosis in the Balkan and Mediterranean region lags behind most of the other European countries. The economic crisis has had a significant impact to the local businesses, eliminating new investments. Regarding specifically solid waste,...Read more
Industrial Symbiosis, Solid Waste, Balkan Region, Business Models