Conference proceedings

Displaying 41 - 47 of 47 in sustainability (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Circular Cities: Challenges and Opportunities towards their transition to a green, smart and circular economy.

Liogkas V.
ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) and circular economy
Cities cover 3% of the land on Earth, however with more than 70% of the population expected to live in urban areas by 2050 they drive almost three-quarters of GHG emissions. They account for two-thirds of global energy demand, consume 60-80% of natural resources and generate 50% of waste. Urban...Read more
governance; innovation; sustainability; technology; urban-metabolism.
Paper ID: 

Techno-economic, environmental and social assessment of precision agriculture for stone fruit production

Núñez-Cárdenas P., (Corresponding) Guillermo S., de la Rosa J., Diezma B., Valero C., Correa E.
Agroforestry, forest and agricultural sustainability
Precision agriculture is a powerful solution to mitigate the environmental impact of agricultural systems, optimize crop inputs and cost reduction. The aim of this work is to analyze the benefits of precision farming practices (irrigation, fertilization and phytosanitary treatment) through a life...Read more
life cycle sustainability assessment; variable application of inputs; nectarine.
Paper ID: 

Collective Action for Sustainable Water Resource Management: Analytical Framework and Company Initiatives

Tripathi s., (Corresponding) Kiritsi a., Patiniotis I.
ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) and circular economy
The water resource management is an important area for accomplishing the sustainability. During last one to two decades, there have been many innovations in managing the water resources at different levels and across different contexts. The present paper examines the innovation in...Read more
Sustainability; Water Resource Management; Collective Action
Paper ID: 

Impact of environmental disclosure on financial health of manufacturing firms

Mgilane N., (Corresponding) Marimuthu F., Maama H.
Environmental management and policies
Environmental reporting can help firms stay in compliance with environmental regulations and manage environmental risks. By proactively addressing and disclosing their environmental impact, manufacturing firms can mitigate potential legal and regulatory penalties, fines, and reputation damage,...Read more
Environmental reporting, financial performance, sustainability reporting, manufacturing firms
Paper ID: 

Plastic waste utilization: Challenges and opportunities for waste-to-energy in Baguio City, Philippines

(Corresponding) Duran J., Victoriano J., Lunag Jr. M., Diccion Jr. A., Putiyon P., Solijon J.
Amounts of residual wastes, such as plastics, paper, and textiles, in urban areas have drastically increased over the years, which hence requires sustainable waste management schemes. Refuse derived fuel (RDF) provides a solution in addressing minimizing waste disposal in landfills and providing...Read more
plastic pollution; residual waste; RDF; sustainability; waste-to-energy
Paper ID: 

Modelling Closed-Water Loops in the Process Industries

(Corresponding) Karkou E., Savvakis N., Aryblia M., Arampatzis G.
Water and wastewater treatment and reuse
Global water scarcity poses a significant challenge for the process industry, especially in water-stressed areas. Population growth and rapid industrialization make evident the necessity to incorporate sustainable and efficient water management strategies in the industrial sector. This study aims...Read more
wastewater treatment, process industry, modelling, sustainability
Paper ID: 

Enabling sustainability and resilience in industries through the value chains’ circularity and digitalisation

(Corresponding) Aryblia M., Sarantinoudis N., Tsinarakis G., Arampatzis G.
Living for the last decades in a linear world has emerged the necessity for resources reduction, reuse, and recycling, leaving behind the “take-make-waste” economic model and jumping over towards a cyclical ecologic system. Especially for the industrial environments, the efficient management of...Read more
industrial value chains, sustainability, resiliency, circularity, digitalisation
Paper ID: 