Conference proceedings

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 in spent (remove filter), CEST2019 (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Extraction of Oil from Spent Grounds Coffee using Ultrasound as Pre-Extraction Method

(Corresponding) Cubas A., Hermmann K., Bianchet R., Moecke E.
Food waste
The treatment and processing of coffee annually produces a large volume of biological waste, which contributes to environmental pollution, it is estimated that coffee production generates approx. 6 million tonnes of spent coffee grounds per year in the world (GETACHEW and CHUN, 2017). Thus, the...Read more
Spent ground coffee; biological waste; ultrasound method; oil from coffee
Paper ID: 

Recovery of critical and precious metals from E-Waste

Ippolito N., Birloaga I., Ferella F., Innocenzi V., De Michelis I., (Corresponding) Vegliò F.
Electric and electronic waste
Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) is the fastest growing waste stream in Europe. This waste contains a high amount of critical and valuable metals as the rare earths defined critical materials from European Commission (2010) and the precious metals. Exhaust fluorescent lamps are...Read more
spent fluorescent lamps; waste printed circuit boards; hydrometallurgical processes; precious metals; rare earths.
Paper ID: 