Conference proceedings

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CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Reactivation of former watercourses to support urban stormwater management

Simperler L., Glanzer M., Ertl T., (Corresponding) Kretschmer F.
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
In recent decades many urban water courses have been heavily modified by land gaining measures aiming at canalising, straightening and draining existing water systems. Additionally, urbanisation causes a higher degree of sealing which results in higher surface runoff during rainfall. Today, in many...Read more
climate change, surface runoff, sewer system, integrated planning
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Rainwater harvesting from roads enhanced indigenous pasture establishment in a typical African dryland environment

(Corresponding) Mganga K.
Water management in arid communities/places
African drylands are a key source forage for pastoral livestock herds. However, land degradation and recurrent droughts have resulted to shrinkage of natural grazing pastures. This poses the greatest challenge to livestock production in African drylands. Combining innovative sustainable land...Read more
Indigenous Pastures, Runoff, Roads, Rainwater Harvesting, African Drylands
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Hydrological analysis and hydraulic simulation for Sperchios River Basin

Raissis F., (Corresponding) Theochari A., Baltas E.
Hydrology and water resources
This research work deals with a flood risk assessment methodology for the ungauged Sperchios River basin, an area of 1003 km2 located in Central Greece. This region is frequently exposed to floods, thus a floodplain evaluation is very important in order to take measures against the effects of...Read more
surface runoff, floodplain evaluation, HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, Sperchios
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Impacts of Wildfires on Surface Runoff and Erosion: The Case Study of a Fire Event in Pelion Area, Greece

Psilovikos A., Mpouras G., (Corresponding) Papathanasiou T., Malamataris D., Psilovikos T., Spiridis A.
Estimation and prediction under past and future conditions (climate, population, land use change)
Wildfires can trigger dramatic increases in surface runoff and erosion, because of the burned vegetation and the appearance of a condition of soil-water repellence. Fire-enhanced surface runoff generation and soil erosion constitute adverse effects of high concern for a long-term future period...Read more
Wildfires, land use change, surface runoff, NRCS-CN method, sediment loss
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Impacts of Land Use and Land Cover Change in a Mediterranean Mountainous Area on Surface Runoff During the Period 1945 – 2018

Psilovikos A., Katsada A., Malamataris D., (Corresponding) Papathanasiou T., Psilovikos T., Spiridis A.
Estimation and prediction under past and future conditions (climate, population, land use change)
Changes in land use and land coverage strongly interrelated with changes in runoff. The effects of land use and land cover change on peak surface runoff and sediment loss, was investigated in a mountainous catchment, namely Lakka catchment located in Thessalia region in Greece.Most of the Lakka...Read more
Land use and land cover change; Surface runoff; Photointerpretation; Aerial photographs; NRCS-CN method
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Evaluating the water quality of stormwater runoffs in urban area

(Corresponding) Yang F., Gato-Trinidad S., Hossain I.
Heavy metals in the environment
This paper presents the results of stormwater quality monitoring from four constructed wetlands located in residential and industrial catchments. Preliminary results revealed that pollutants’ types and concentrations vary depending on the catchments’ characteristics. It is found that the...Read more
Heavy metals, best practice management, stormwater runoff, water quality
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Effect of plant species on the performance of vegetated buffer strips to treat agricultural runoffs

(Corresponding) Markoulatou E., Fountoulakis M.
Water treatment
Vegetated buffer strips (VBS), have been recognized as the most common management practice for mitigating pollution caused by agricultural runoff. They serve a transitional zone between agricultural fields and receiving waters. In this study, two VBS planted with aromatic plants and one unvegetated...Read more
Vegetated buffer strips, agricultural runoff, diffuse pollution, nutrient removal
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Rainwater collection and treatment on green roofs using aromatic plants in a Mediterranean region.

(Corresponding) Schiza S., Petsis K., Tsiara Z., Petousi I., Fountoulakis M.
Water and wastewater treatment and reuse
For modern cities, green roofs provide important economic, environmental and social possibilities. They are a sustainable ecological technology. The present research study assesses the use of two substrates with different compositions for the growth of two aromatic plants (Lavandula dentata and...Read more
green roof, rainwater treatment, runoff quality, aromatic plants, substrates, Mediterranean climate
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