Conference proceedings

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CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Environmental Sustainability Indicators applied to Tourism Sector in Sicily

(Corresponding) Matarazzo A., Zerbo A., Serrano C.
Environmental impacts of tourism and sustainable tourism development
Tourism is an important source of revenue for the economy of a country because it brings money to the State which use it as a source to improve services, buildings, facilities and tourism destinations. Its importance extends to a variety of studies and researches aimed to a better and more...Read more
Sustainability; environmental impacts; environmental indicators; development instruments
Paper ID: 

Performance of a Miniaturized, Lightweight, and Cost-effective Parallel-Plate Differential Mobility Analyzer

(Corresponding) Lekaki N., Agapiou A., Costi M., Biskos G., Maisser A.
Air pollution
Size resolved measurements of aerosol particles are essential for understanding key processes in the atmosphere, and assessing their potential impacts on human health and climate. This has led to an increasing demand for compact and portable, yet cost-effective, instruments for characterizing the...Read more
cost-effective and lightweight instruments, size distribution, new particle formation
Paper ID: 

Bioeconomy value indicators in Sicily

(Corresponding) Matarazzo A., Schillaci c.
New solutions for a better and sustainable agriculture
The emergence of the bioeconomy and the concept of sustainability in production processes have been essential for the protection of the environment and biodiversity, as well as for the implementation of processes for energy recovery, the creation of new jobs and increased competitiveness...Read more
biomass energy; environmental impacts; bioeconomy indicators; development instruments.
Paper ID: 

Nature-based solutions and policy instruments towards an optimal urban design

(Corresponding) Mendonça R., Roebeling P., Fidélis T., Saraiva M.
Spatial environmental planning
Urban planning is crucial to promote resilience and liveability of cities in the face of current urbanization patterns and climate change challenges. Nature-based solutions (NBS) are viable alternatives to grey infrastructure, with multiple environmental, social and economic benefits and co-...Read more
Nature-Based Solutions, Policy Instruments, Simulation modelling, Urban design
Paper ID: 

Behind the scenes: The WFD 2000/60 policy making.

(Corresponding) Farmaki P.
Water policy, management and society
This research investigates the impact of legislative negotiations in the water policy of European Union and the crucial role of the European Commission as the formal agenda setter. The coordination of EU institutions and other actors -member states, interest groups and especially "Non-...Read more
EU; policy coordination; water policy; Water Framework Directive; economic instruments
Paper ID: 

Sustainable water resources governance developments: cross-sectorial policies and societal practice

(Corresponding) Ernsteins R., Skute A., Konkovs K., Lagzdina E., Ozolins M.
Water policy, management and society
The governance process of surface water resources in Latvia, particularly, in small river catchment areas and lake lands, also being Natura 2000 territories, was the main foci for two studies described. Previous traditional research done in related fields in Latvia has been focusing on water...Read more
water and nature management, societal participation, bottom-up instruments, communication
Paper ID: 