Conference proceedings

Displaying 1 - 10 of 44 in economy (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

A system dynamics model to explore the water-land-energy-food-climate nexus in Latvia

Masia S., (Corresponding) Susnik J., Indriksone D., Bremere I., Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia L., Brouwer F.
Water, energy and/or food nexus
Water, energy, food/land use and climate are connected a system defined by complexity, feedback and delay, and are commonly referred to as the nexus which operates across scales. Therefore the characteristics of the nexus change depending on the scale being considered, the location, and the sectors...Read more
water-energy-food, Latvia, low-carbon economy, system dynamics
Paper ID: 

The role of Life Cycle Assessment to measure progress on the Circular Economy

(Corresponding) Corona B., Shen L.
Life cycle analysis (lca)
The circular economy (CE), as opposed to the current linear economy, is seen as a sustainable economic system where the economic growth is decoupled from the resources use, through the reduction and recirculation of natural resources. In the shift towards the CE, quantifying the circularity of...Read more
Circular economy, LCA, circularity, methodologies, review, sustainability
Paper ID: 

The green projects as a source of proecological transformation

Grudziński A.
Circular economy and industrial symbiosis
Green projects are unique, complex, one-time and intertwined activities that serve to preserve and protect the natural environment. The implementation of green projects may affect the greening of some enterprises. At the same time, so-called "brown" enterprises will have the chance to...Read more
green and lean processes, green organisation, green economy
Paper ID: 

Improving the quality and quantity of source-separated household food waste in areas of different socio-economic characteristics: A case study from Lübeck, Germany

(Corresponding) Koerner I., Walk S., Deegener S., Wardle D.
Food waste
A method aiming at improving source-separation performance of household food waste (FW) was investigated in two areas with different socio-economic characteristics in Lübeck, Germany. This included the test of a new FW collection system including the distribution of small collection buckets to each...Read more
Food waste, Waste composition analysis, Waste valorization, Circular Economy, Socio-economic assessment
Paper ID: 

Urban Strategies for Waste Management in Coastal Areas

Voukkali I., Loizia P., Chatziparaskeva G., Navarro Pedreno J., (Corresponding) Zorpas A.
Environmental management and policies
In comparison with other areas, tourist areas have to face additional challenges related to waste prevention and management due to their geographical and climatic conditions, the seasonality of tourism flow and the specificity of tourism industry and of tourists as waste producers. One major...Read more
area metabolism, key performance indicator, bleu economy, waste strategies.
Paper ID: 

Benchmarking indicators to assess the level of circular economy strategy in Local Level

Loizia P., Inglezakis V., Navarro Pedreno J., Lasaridi K., (Corresponding) Zorpas A.
Circular economy and industrial symbiosis
Sustainable waste management is an important global environmental agenda in the twenty- first century. The quantity of global waste increases as the population and the level of resource consumption rise over time. The increased generation of waste is also producing bigger environmental deprivation...Read more
circular economy, bench marking indicators, SWOT analysis, strategy development, environmental performance
Paper ID: 

A methodology for boosting circular economy in olive oil and wine sectors: opportunities for the Italian competitiveness through eco-innovation strategies

(Corresponding) Mentore V., CHEBBI A., Franzetti A., Sbaffoni S.
Circular economy and industrial symbiosis
Applying the principles of circular economy to agriculture is a very important contemporary issue on the international political and economic agenda. In this context, current knowledge and recent insights on biosurfactant production will be surveyed to apply these novel economic approaches in the...Read more
Circular economy; Rhamnolipids; Waste valorisation, Eco-innovation, Integrative approach
Paper ID: 

Installation of a sewer mining unit in the Athens Urban Tree Nursery

(Corresponding) Plevri A., Samios S., Lytras E., Papadopoulos K., Lioumis C., Lazari A., Tazes N., Monokrousou K., Makropoulos C.
Water and wastewater reuse
Within the framework of the Horizon 2020, a European project called NextGen evaluates and champions transformational circular economy solutions and systems around resource use in the water sector. The Athens demo site is located in the Athens Urban Tree Nursery which is part of the Goudi Park, an...Read more
circular economy; wastewater reuse; sewer mining;compost
Paper ID: 

Anaerobic MBR technology for treating municipal wastewater at ambient temperatures

(Corresponding) Plevri A., Mamais D., Noutsopoulos C.
Wastewater treatment
An innovative way to treat municipal wastewater and produce energy at the same time is anaerobic treatment. Anaerobic processes are traditionally used for high-strength wastewater or municipal sludge treatment and only recently have been applied for the treatment of low strength municipal...Read more
circular economy; wastewater reuse; anaerobic treatment; membrane technology
Paper ID: 

Mine water management in abandoned mine sites: from waste to resource

(Corresponding) LOREDO J.
Water and wastewater reuse
Mine water usually supposes one of the most important environmental problems of the extractive industry, where water quality is dependent of a great number of factors relatives to the ore deposit characteristics and to the exploitation method typology. But if water quality by nature or after...Read more
Mine water, water quality, water resource, circular economy
Paper ID: 