Conference proceedings

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 in economic (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Optimal Productive Structure for Sustainable Development: Environmental Extended Input-Ouput Analysis

(Corresponding) Markaki M., Papadakis S.
Environmental management and policies
The research aims to apply an integrated methodology for optimizing the productive structure of an economy with a view to sustainable development for the Greek economy. The main purpose of the research project is to constitute at the theoretical and applied level a model of synthesis of all...Read more
Sustainable Development, Input-Output Analysis, Optimization, Economic Structure, Greece
Paper ID: 

The water tariff structure in the new Convergence Regulatory Scheme

(Corresponding) Macchiaroli M., Dolores L., De Mare G.
Water policy, management and society
The most recent innovation in the regulation of the Italian Urban Water Management is the introduction of the Convergence Regulatory Scheme. The new tariff preparation method introduced by the Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks, and Environment (ARERA) aims to simplify the mechanism...Read more
Urban water management, Economic evaluation of projects, Optimizing tools, Water tariff, Decision making
Paper ID: 

Dual Discounting for the Environmental Decision-Making

(Corresponding) Maselli G., Nesticò A.
Environmental data analysis and modelling
Nowadays, making sustainable decisions is one of the main priorities of government policies. Therefore, it is increasingly urgent to define investment decision support tools that ensure a long-term balance between environmental integrity, intergenerational equality, and economic efficiency. This...Read more
Environmental Decision-Making, Economic evaluation of Projects, Social Discounting.
Paper ID: 

Behind the scenes: The WFD 2000/60 policy making.

(Corresponding) Farmaki P.
Water policy, management and society
This research investigates the impact of legislative negotiations in the water policy of European Union and the crucial role of the European Commission as the formal agenda setter. The coordination of EU institutions and other actors -member states, interest groups and especially "Non-...Read more
EU; policy coordination; water policy; Water Framework Directive; economic instruments
Paper ID: 