Conference proceedings

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 in assessement (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Improvement of calculations of the total Characterization factor in the USEtox model including a regional approach

(Corresponding) Belyanovskaya A.
Life cycle analysis (lca)
The USEtox model as one of LCIA models is an instrument to characterize the human toxicity impact. The model measures the intake of metals by population with meat products. The USEtox is the only model including geographical separation and wide database with organic and nonorganic chemicals...Read more
LCIA, the USEtox, Bioindication, Heavy metals, Human health impact assessement
Paper ID: 

Co-creating data based on human nose perceptions to study odour nuisance from an oilseed industry

(Corresponding) Teixeira S., Pereira P., Ferreira F.
Environmental odour, monitoring and control
Odour nuisance is the second environmental problem with more citizen complaints after noise. This fact and the lack of odour regulation in Portugal led way to develop a bottom-up approach focused on citizens to co-create the analysis. Despite the existence of odour measuring instruments, the human...Read more
odour nuisance, odour assessement, sensorial methodology, bottom-up approach
Paper ID: 