Conference proceedings

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CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Risk analysis of pathogenic organisms during soil-aquifer treatment: application to a coastal aquifer in Cyprus

(Corresponding) Panagiotou C., Karaolia P., Papanastasiou P., Sprenger C.
Water treatment
A quantitative microbial risk analysis of Ezousa (Cyprus) Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) site is presented herein to evaluate the health risks associated with the pathogenic fraction of three microorganisms: the bacterium Escherichia Coli (E. Coli), the Rotavirus and the protozoan Giardia...Read more
risk analysis; farmers; pathogens; waster-water treatment; soil-aquifer treatment
Paper ID: 

Development of a tool for calculating ship air emissions

(Corresponding) Ventikos N., Kalogeropoulos I., Louzis K., (Corresponding) Stamatopoulou E.
Environmental impact of maritime transport
This paper describes the development of a ship air emissions calculator, which will be part of the ECOMARPOL platform of the Intelligent Research Infrastructure for Shipping, Supply Chain, Transport and Logistics (EN.I.R.I.S.S.T.). The tool developed with the Python programming language and is...Read more
Ship air emissions; Bottom-up method; Emissions calculator; Sensitivity analysis; Environmental impact of shipping
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Detection of disturbances of thyme habitats on Lemnos island with Landsat time series analysis

(Corresponding) Vasios G., Kaloveloni A., Alexoudaki E., Kakaroglou I., Troumbis A.
Spatial environmental planning
Landsat time series data, freely available in recent years, are commonly used for land cover change detection and monitoring ecosystem disturbances. The thyme habitats are areas under protection because of their high ecological value. However, human activity that leads to competition in land use,...Read more
Thymes conservation, spatio-temporal analysis, multi-spectral images, Landsat, vegetation indices, Lemnos
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Rapidly growing cities and critical environmental issues: An evaluation model to support policy-making

(Corresponding) Nesticò A., Somma P., Maselli G., Naddeo V.
Spatial environmental planning
The use of multi-criteria analysis methods as a decision support tool plays a crucial role in defining spatial policies oriented towards environmental quality enhancement, social and cultural development, and economic feasibility. In order to support sustainable city governance processes, purpose...Read more
Urban Regeneration; Environmental Decision Making; Multicriteria Analysis
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Comparison the effectiveness of three outranking multicriteria methods as analytical tools for the efficiency assessment of biorefineries/ waste-to-energy technologies

Isigonis P., (Corresponding) Vakalis S.
Circular economy and industrial symbiosis
Circular Economy is at the heart of the EU Green Deal, Europe’s new agenda for sustainable growth. Waste Management has been firmly focusing on material and energy recovery, through the development of policy schemes and the utilization of resource recovery facilities. Waste-to-energy technologies...Read more
Waste-to-energy, Biorefineries, Multicriteria analysis, Thermodynamics, 3T Method
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The Implementation of Risk Management processes as a contributing factor to the minimization of shipping disasters through the study of previous shipping accidents

(Corresponding) BOVIATSIS M., Vlachos G.
Disaster risk reduction and management
Environmental disasters can maliciously affect property, human lives and even entire ecosystems. The magnitude and extent of such a disaster can lead to uncertainty about who is liable and how the restoration of the environmental damage will be achieved. The implementation of Risk Management...Read more
Oil Spills, Risk Management Methods, Maritime Accidents, Root Cause Analysis, Failure Mode Effect Analysis.
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Benthic megalitter detection using unmanned surface vehicle (USV) and Automatic Target Detection: A case study in the Port of Thessaloniki, Thermaikos Gulf

(Corresponding) Papatheodorou G., Kosmopoulou A., Fakiris E., Geraga M., Dimas X., Maurommatis N., Christodoulou D., (Corresponding) Kouvara K., Xirotagarou P.
Microplastics in the marine environment
In the port of Thessaloniki, Greece, benthic megalitter detection was achieved using an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) equipped with a compact high resolution sidescan sonar (SSS) and a single beam echsosounder (SBES). The benthic megalitter survey was organized in two separate phases. Firstly, a...Read more
Benthic megalitter, USV, Side scan sonar, ROV, Independent Component Analysis (ICA)
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Evaluation of urban flood characteristics through the spatial analysis of flood-related factors and flood incidents recorded in the western side of Athens basin on October 24, 2014

(Corresponding) Feloni E., Anayiotos A., Baltas E.
Floods, droughts and water scarcity
On October 24, 2014, a severe flood event took place in the entire Athens basin with extensive damages due to a short-duration rainfall event of high intensity. This work focuses on the analysis of the characteristics of this specific flood event by investigating the influence of various factors on...Read more
urban floods, Athens, GIS, spatial analysis
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High resolution mass spectrometric non-target screening and wide-scope target analysis of emerging contaminants and target analysis of legacy contaminants in adult black-tailed godwit Limosa limosa in The Netherlands – preliminary findings

(Corresponding) Movalli P., Piersma T., Hooijmeijer J., Dekinga A., Howison R., Biesmeijer K., Dekker R., Alygizakis N., Gkotsis G., Kostakis M., Nika M., Thomaidis N.
Emerging pollutants
Contaminant monitoring can elucidate exposure of bird populations (and other species in the same biotic communities) to chemical risks. Long-term monitoring of contaminants in birds can moreover be used to assess the effectiveness of chemical risk management measures, identify emerging contaminants...Read more
emerging contaminant, black-tailed godwit, non-target screening, wide scope target analysis
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Towards decentralizing the energy system: production of bioenergy and bioproducts via anaerobic digestion

(Corresponding) VLACHOKOSTAS C., MICHAILIDOU A., (Corresponding) ACHILLAS C., (Corresponding) MOUSSIOPOULOS N.
The model of circular economy has gained worldwide interest. Within its concept, biodegradable waste is viewed as a beneficial resource that needs to be re-introduced in the supply chains. The use of raw materials, energy, and water is also to be minimized. Undeniably, a strong link exists between...Read more
sustainable management; bioenergy; decision support system; multi-criteria analysis; bioeconomy
Paper ID: 