Conference proceedings

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CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Influence of microbial fuel cell integration on organic matter and nutrient removal in a constructed wetland for wastewater treatment

(Corresponding) Gonzalez T., Miranda J., Vidal G.
Wastewater treatment
The combination of constructed wetlands (CWs) and microbial fuel cells (MFCs) has emerged in recent years with the purpose of enhancing wastewater treatment efficiency of CWs while simultaneously generating electricity. Taking the above into account, the aim of this study is to evaluate the...Read more
Constructed Wetland-Microbial Fuel Cell, Wastewater treatment, Removal organic matter, Bioelectricity generation.
Paper ID: 

Co-creating data based on human nose perceptions to study odour nuisance from an oilseed industry

(Corresponding) Teixeira S., Pereira P., Ferreira F.
Environmental odour, monitoring and control
Odour nuisance is the second environmental problem with more citizen complaints after noise. This fact and the lack of odour regulation in Portugal led way to develop a bottom-up approach focused on citizens to co-create the analysis. Despite the existence of odour measuring instruments, the human...Read more
odour nuisance, odour assessement, sensorial methodology, bottom-up approach
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Plastic Litter Project 2018: a feasibility study on detecting plastics in the aquatic environment using drones and satellite images

(Corresponding) Topouzelis K., Papakonstantinou A., Garaba S., Doukari M., Chatziantoniou A., Spondylidis S.
Marine environment and coastal management
Plastic litter has been shown to pose a significant problem in the marine environment and the food chain at all trophic levels. Within the scope of Plastic Project 2018, we investigated the prospective use of imaging technology on airborne and spaceborne platforms in detecting floating plastic...Read more
floating plastic litter, remote sensing, spectral reflectance of plastics, drones, UAV, UAS, pollution
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The Intensity – duration (I-D) curves towards to a spatially distributed flood early warning tool (F-EWT)

(Corresponding) Feloni E., Baltas E.
Floods, droughts and water scarcity
Attica region suffers from rainfall events of high intensity, inducing flash-floods and significant damages in the urbanized areas. This analysis concerns the determination of the maximum intensity-duration thresholds regarding flooding (F) or non-flooding (NF) regime, using the available...Read more
floods, Attica region, early warning, flood mitigation, rainfall intensity
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Hydrological and hydraulic modelling for a severe flood event in Sperchios River Basin

(Corresponding) Bournas A., Feloni E., Bertsiou M., Baltas E.
Floods, droughts and water scarcity
A combined hydrological and hydraulic analysis is presented for an extreme flood event occurred on February 6, 2012 in Sperchios River Basin, located in Central Greece. This event caused the river’s overflow and, consequently, several damages to infrastructure and agricultural land. Sperchios River...Read more
rainfall-runoff, inundation mapping, flood, Sperchios, HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS
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Analysis of the hydrologic conditions during the flood event occurred in Mandra, Greece, on November 2017

(Corresponding) Feloni E., Theochari A., Skroufouta S., Bournas A., Baltas E.
Floods, droughts and water scarcity
On November 15, 2017 a flash flood struck West Attica with intense effects in the settlement of Mandra, causing human losses as well as extensive material damages. The aim of this work is to examine this flood event from a hydrological perspective in order to highlight the diversity of estimations...Read more
Mandra, hydrological losses, GIS, flood hydrograph, time-area diagram
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Evaluation of urban flood characteristics through the spatial analysis of flood-related factors and flood incidents recorded in the western side of Athens basin on October 24, 2014

(Corresponding) Feloni E., Anayiotos A., Baltas E.
Floods, droughts and water scarcity
On October 24, 2014, a severe flood event took place in the entire Athens basin with extensive damages due to a short-duration rainfall event of high intensity. This work focuses on the analysis of the characteristics of this specific flood event by investigating the influence of various factors on...Read more
urban floods, Athens, GIS, spatial analysis
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Harmonization of sampling and chemical analysis for the study of Cr(VI) water contamination in aquifers of eastern Mediterranean and Oman: the CrITERIA project experience

(Corresponding) Argyraki A., Kelepertzis E., Pyrgaki K., Botsou F., Megremi I., Dermatas D.
Efficient water resources management in cr(vi) impacted water bodies
The CrITERIA project aims to deliver a harmonized data base, to assist water resource management organizations and water users on decision making when coping with water scarcity, climate extreme events and contaminated water. Contamination by Cr(VI) is used as an example of a specific water...Read more
sampling, analysis, water, hexavalent chromium, quality control
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Biosolids as soil-amendment: evaluation of nutrient leaching in loamy-silty soil

(Corresponding) Venegas M., Fernandez G., Vidal G.
Municipal sewage sludge is a by-product of wastewater treatment. The amount of sewage sludge has increased with the construction and expansion of wastewater treatment plants, while stricter policies have limited its disposal. Anaerobic digestion is a worldwide technology used in sewage sludge...Read more
pre-treatment, advanced anaerobic digestion, waste management, sewage sludge
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Evaluation of a new millifluidic device for the consistent determination of oil droplet biodegradation kinetics

(Corresponding) Kapellos G., Nagarajan M., Kalogerakis N., Doyle P.
Process understanding through innovative sensors and remote sensing
Natural seeps and accidental releases of crude oil in the sea result in swarms of droplets that are carried away by underwater sea currents. The droplets may be created either at the sea surface during the breakup of an oil slick by sea waves, or at the seafloor during the extrusion of crude oil...Read more
oil spills, biodegradation, microfluidics
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