CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Effects of parabens exposure on drinking water bacteria
(Corresponding) Pereira A., Gomes I., Simões M.
Emerging pollutants
Parabens are considered emerging contaminants that are frequently detected in water sources. Besides being detected in drinking water (DW) at residual concentrations, their effects on DW microbial quality and safety have been disregarded so far. This work assesses for the first time the impact of...Read more
End-phase Rehabilitation Assessment of Boracay Island Using Microbial Parameters as Indicator of Water Quality
Rañada M., (Corresponding) Jaraula C.
Pollution control and contaminated sites
The tourism-dependent Boracay island continued to accommodate tourists reaching a peak of >2 million in 2017 after nearly breaching through the island’s ecological threshold in 2012. Anthropogenic pressures resulting in poor water quality and disturbance of wetlands forced the authorities to...Read more
coliforms, wastewater, water quality, carrying capacity, anthropogenic disturbance
Novel applications of Molecular Biology to aid in environmental bioremediation
(Corresponding) Duffield-Healy M., Fernaud S.
Heavy metals in the environment
Bioremediation of environmental heavy metal contamination presents a valuable tool for an effective and low-cost method of containing and minimizing the harm of heavy metal contaminations. However, many common bacteria used in this application such as Acidothiobacillus ferroxidans do not have...Read more
Investigating the Performance of Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Primary Sludge and Acid Whey Using a Twin Pilot Scale System
(Corresponding) Gkoumas F., Tzivelou E., Gravanis Z., Mamais D., Malamis S., Noutsopoulos C.
Anaerobic Digestion (AD) has proven to be an effective method for transforming organic waste into biogas, a renewable energy source that can play a crucial role in reducing our dependence on finite fossil fuels. Despite its widespread use, mono-digestion, where a single substrate is utilized, is...Read more
Circular bioeconomy in the sustainable biotransformation of agri-food residues and waste
BUTU M., (Corresponding) RODINO S., (Corresponding) BUTU A.
Waste strategies development
This paper explores the potential of sustainable biotransformation of agri-food residues and waste into a spectrum of marketable ingredients for food and feed and other bio-based products (biochemicals, biomaterials) which is at the heart of the bioeconomy. With over 80% of land covered by farms or...Read more
bioeconomy, biotransformation, agri-food residues and waste, bio-based products
Microbial inoculum production for bioleaching of critical metals from tailings
Butu A., (Corresponding) RODINO S., (Corresponding) BUTU M.
Recycling of materials to new products
In this paper, research is presented regarding the development and testing of strategies to identify the optimal solutions for the production of microbial inoculum for the bio-recovery of critical metals from tailings. The versatility and diversity of biotechnologies available offer the opportunity...Read more
UrbEm: a method and tool to refine regional emission inventories for urban atmospheric studies
(Corresponding) Kakouri A., Ramacher M., Kuenen J., Speyer O., Gerasopoulos E., Athanasopoulou E.
Environmental data analysis and modelling
As cities are growing in size and complexity, the estimation of air pollution exposure requires detailed spatial representation of air pollution levels. Intra-urban atmospheric studies require up-to-date and credible emission inventories. The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) provides...Read more
air pollution, emissions, urban air quality, Chemistry Transport Modelling
Simulating the fate of selected PAHs in Saronikos Gulf, Eastern Mediterranean, using a far-field water-quality model.
(Corresponding) Mazioti A., Kolovoyiannis V., Petalas S., Mamoutos I., Potiris E., Krasakopoulou E., Tragou E., Zervakis V.
Environmental data analysis and modelling
The aim of this study is to investigate the distribution of selected Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and predict their fate in the marine area of Saronikos Gulf. A three-dimensional model (Delft3D-FLOW) was used to simulate sea circulation and hydrographic variables (salinity, temperature...Read more
Decreased Dissolved Oxygen Affecting Sustainability of Mussel Farming in East Manila Bay, Philippines
(Corresponding) Enova A., Jaraula C., Villanoy C.
Ecological effects of environmental change
Manila Bay is surrounded by industrial, urban and populated cities of the Philippines and exposed to various pollutants. A hydrodynamic model previously simulated with the influence of tides, winds, rivers and pharmaceutical pollutants showed high dissolved organic pollutant concentration near...Read more
Hypoxia, Manila Bay, Pollutant Transport, Mariculture
Antibiotic Susceptibility of Erwinia amylovora Isolates from Fire Blight Diseased Pomaceous Fruit Trees in Georgia
(Corresponding) Sadunishvili T., Amashukeli N., Gaganidze D., Kharadze S., Sturua N., Rezzonico F.
Antibiotic resistance
Fire blight, caused by the bacterial pathogen, Erwinia amylovora is a devastating disease of fruit trees belonging to the Rosaceae family. The most susceptible species are apple, pear and quince. The economic loss caused by bacterial blight of fruit trees is manifested both in crop loss and rapid...Read more
Fire blight, Erwinia amylovora, antibiotic susceptibility