CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
A Literature Review on the Benefits of Healing Gardens
(Corresponding) Oliveira M., (Corresponding) Guerrero C., (Corresponding) Panagopoulos T.
Urban environment and health
Healing gardens can be traced back to the Greeks at the end of the sixth century B.C. when they used healing centers in temples with the specific usage of natural spring water. Despite the well-known benefits of healing gardens, most healthcare facilities do not include them as part of their...Read more
The Occurrence and Risk Assessment of Microplastics: different treatment technologies for wastewater treatment plants in Oman
(Corresponding) Yavari Z., Al Amri A., Nikoo M.
Environmental data analysis and modelling
Microplastics (MPs) are considered an emerging pollutant and one of the greatest challenges for many states and are a significant environmental concern that requires to be addressed. Municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are usually suspected of being major contributors to environmental MPs...Read more
Rapid adsorption of diclofenac by polyaniline-coated carbon nanofiber
Xu H., (Corresponding) Xia M., Wang F.
Emerging pollutants
In this work, polyaniline-coated carbon nanofiber with acid treatment (named CNFA@PANI) composite was synthesized and used to eliminate diclofenac from the water environment. Thanks to the abundant amino functional groups and benzene-ring structures, the as-prepared CNFA@PANI composite presented...Read more
Experiential learning as a strategy for reducing household food waste among young Greeks
(Corresponding) Chioti D., Sepp H., Nyberg M.
Sustainability & the SDGs
Background: Food waste is a contemporary challenge with impacts on the environment, economy, and society. Every year 1/3 of the food produced is wasted, where the households are responsible for 53% of the total food waste. In Greece, 87 kg of household food waste are produced per...Read more
Study Of The Performance Of Ruscus Aculeatus Leaves Alcoholic Extract As Corrosion Inhibitor For Carbon Steel In 1 M HCl Solution
(Corresponding) Farruku M., Xhanari K., Xhaxhiu K., Lame A.
Sustainable supply of raw materials
The addition of corrosion inhibitors is one of the most widely used methods for the protection of metals and alloys from corrosion in various environments. Although synthetic organic compounds have been found to be highly effective in mitigating corrosion, they are often toxic, non-biodegradable,...Read more
The innovative method of testing solid fuels as an answer to safe and sustainable supply of raw materials –the example of coking coal parameters
(Corresponding) Dreger M., (Corresponding) Piotr C., Szymura ., Więcek K., Kocela-Jagiełko A.
Sustainable supply of raw materials
The metallurgical coal (coking coal) has been defined as the critical raw material (CRM) in the European Union. Using that type of coal in the coking plants allows it to produce high quality steel and steel products in steel mill around the world. Coking the metallurgical coal is a really complex...Read more
critical raw materials, metallurgical coal, coke, CRI/CSR, risk calculation
Assessing Climate Change Impacts in the Tana Basin, Ethiopia
(Corresponding) Bagtzoglou A., Khadim F., Dokou Z., Lazin R., Anagnostou E.
Climate change impacts, vulnerability and risks
Climate change effects on long-term groundwater (GW) resource developments in the Tana Basin, Ethiopia, are a growing concern. To address this we deployed a fine-resolution (500 m) GW model using MODFLOW-NWT for the Tana Basin, Upper the Blue Nile region. The GW model was calibrated based on 98...Read more
groundwater model; sustainability; MODFLOW-NWT; Upper Blue Nile
(Corresponding) Chtristofidou M., Rossidou E., Kozakou S., Michael N., Poulli K., Kokkinofta .
Air pollution
Air pollution is a significant environmental threat to public health worldwide. In Cyprus, the laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Control of Effluents of the State General Laboratory in collaboration with the competent Authorities, the Department of Inspection of the Ministry of labour,...Read more
air quality, monitoring, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, heavy metals, ions
Air pollution and cardiovascular disease: state of art and control strategies within “One Health” approach
(Corresponding) D'Elia L., Longobardi A., Pirozzi F., Bonadies A., Spagnuolo M., Ferraro S., Del Negro G., Zarra T., Belgiorno V., Coscioni E., Naddeo V.
Air pollution and health
Environmental quality is closely related to human health. In recent years, the growing awareness has led to the definition of an integrated "One Health" approach to protect simultaneously environment, humans and animals. Poor air quality is the most important factor affecting human health...Read more
Air pollution, One health, Cardiovascular diseases, Health risks, AQHI
Unveiling the transformation of dissolved organic matter in drinking water treatments based on FT-ICR-MS and spectral analysis
Yueting W., (Corresponding) Hang X., Tianpei M.
Water treatment
The use of fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer (FT-ICR MS) and fluorescence excitation-emission matrix (EEM) systematically provide more comprehensive information on the changes in dissolved organic matter (DOM) composition and characteristic in water treatments. Therefore,...Read more
Drinking water treatments, Dissolved organic matter, FT-ICR MS, Spectral analysis