CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Benthic megalitter detection using unmanned surface vehicle (USV) and Automatic Target Detection: A case study in the Port of Thessaloniki, Thermaikos Gulf
(Corresponding) Papatheodorou G., Kosmopoulou A., Fakiris E., Geraga M., Dimas X., Maurommatis N., Christodoulou D., (Corresponding) Kouvara K., Xirotagarou P.
Microplastics in the marine environment
In the port of Thessaloniki, Greece, benthic megalitter detection was achieved using an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) equipped with a compact high resolution sidescan sonar (SSS) and a single beam echsosounder (SBES). The benthic megalitter survey was organized in two separate phases. Firstly, a...Read more
Non-targeted screening workflows for gas chromatography – high-resolution mass spectrometry analysis to find and identify biomagnifying contaminants in biota samples
(Corresponding) Rebryk A., Haglund P.
Emerging pollutants
The health of key species in the Baltic region has been affected by exposure to anthropogenic hazardous substances (AHSs), which accumulate in organisms and are transferred through food chains. Therefore, there is a need for comprehensive characterization of the occurrence and accumulation of AHSs...Read more
Evaluation of environmental impact assessment factors in maritime industry.
(Corresponding) BOVIATSIS M., Vlachos G., Daniil G.
Environmental impact of maritime transport
The environmental impact of shipping industry includes the pollution caused by vessels to air and water environment.
The water pollution is primarily caused by ship accidents and by untreated ballast water. To avoid maritime accidents, a complex system of regulations and safety management...Read more
Water & Air Pollution, Ballast Water Management, NOx emissions, SOx emissions,
Chemical And Isotopic Characterization Of The Thermal Fluids In The South-western Margin of the Loutros-Feres-Soufli Tertiary Basin in Northern Greece. Case Study: Geothermal Area of Aristino
Dalampakis P., Spyridonos E., (Corresponding) Tassi M., Karalis P., Dotsika E., Pagonis G.
Hydrology and water resources
In this work we examine the hydrochemical and isotopic characteristics of the thermal fluids in the Aristino geothermal area in the southwestern margin of the Loutros-Feres-Soufli Tertiary basin (LFS), which is located west of Evros river in Northeastern Greece, in order to identify their possible...Read more
geothermal system, water geochemistry, O-H isotopes, geothermometry
Chemical And Isotopic Characterization Of The Thermal Fluids Emerging From Nestos River Delta Basin in North Greece
Tassi M., (Corresponding) Karalis P., Dalampakis P., Spyridonos E., Diamantopoulos G., Dotsika E., Pagonis G.
Hydrology and water resources
In this work we study the isotopic and hydrochemical properties of waters emerging from Nestos river delta basin (Erasmio, Eratio and Myrodato), which is forming the continental margin of the broader graben type basin of Prinos that includes the Nestos delta and the offshore extension between...Read more
geothermal system, water geochemistry, O-H-S isotopes, geothermometry
Use of ornamental plants in floating treatment wetlands for greywater treatment in buildings: preliminary results
(Corresponding) Stefanatou A., Schiza S., Petousi I., Rizzo A., Masi F., Fyllas N., Fountoulakis M.
Wastewater treatment
Floating treatment wetlands (FTWs), have been recognized by many researchers for their efficiency in removing pollutants and thus improving wastewater quality. Despite their wide use for treating various types of wastewater, little is known about their efficiency in greywater treatment. In this...Read more
Current challenges and future perspectives on the use of contaminant data from apex predators for chemicals hazard prioritization
(Corresponding) Bauer K., Alygizakis N., Badry A., Cincinelli A., Claßen D., Dekker R., Drost W., Duke G., Glowacka N., Gkotsis G., Knopf B., Koschorreck J., Martellini T., Movalli P., Nika M., Nikolopoulou V., Rüdel H., Thomaidis N., Walker L., Treu G., Slobodnik J.
Emerging pollutants
One major challenge in today’s generic risk assessment is, that only a small fraction of the marketed chemicals has been sufficiently evaluated regarding their (eco)toxicological properties or exposure scenarios, while limited data are available for the majority of substances. For instance, many of...Read more
biomonitoring, contaminants of emerging concern, hazard assessment, prioritization, REACH
Analysis of the hydrologic conditions during the flood event occurred in Mandra, Greece, on November 2017
(Corresponding) Feloni E., Theochari A., Skroufouta S., Bournas A., Baltas E.
Floods, droughts and water scarcity
On November 15, 2017 a flash flood struck West Attica with intense effects in the settlement of Mandra, causing human losses as well as extensive material damages. The aim of this work is to examine this flood event from a hydrological perspective in order to highlight the diversity of estimations...Read more
Evaluation of urban flood characteristics through the spatial analysis of flood-related factors and flood incidents recorded in the western side of Athens basin on October 24, 2014
(Corresponding) Feloni E., Anayiotos A., Baltas E.
Floods, droughts and water scarcity
On October 24, 2014, a severe flood event took place in the entire Athens basin with extensive damages due to a short-duration rainfall event of high intensity. This work focuses on the analysis of the characteristics of this specific flood event by investigating the influence of various factors on...Read more
Estimating Flood Risk at town scale: the case of the 2017 flash flood in Mandra, Greece.
(Corresponding) Bloutsos A., Diakakis M., Mitsopoulos G., Tsokanis K., Lekkas E., Baltas E., Stamou A.
Climpact: national network for climate change and its impacts
Effective flood management requires the priori assessment of the flood event, its consequences, and thus its risk, which give insight into what situations we expect and allow us to evaluate possible measures, including the implementation of an Early Warning System. In the present work, we briefly...Read more