CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Impacts of Land Use and Land Cover Change in a Mediterranean Mountainous Area on Surface Runoff During the Period 1945 – 2018
Psilovikos A., Katsada A., Malamataris D., (Corresponding) Papathanasiou T., Psilovikos T., Spiridis A.
Estimation and prediction under past and future conditions (climate, population, land use change)
Changes in land use and land coverage strongly interrelated with changes in runoff. The effects of land use and land cover change on peak surface runoff and sediment loss, was investigated in a mountainous catchment, namely Lakka catchment located in Thessalia region in Greece.Most of the Lakka...Read more
Land use and land cover change; Surface runoff; Photointerpretation; Aerial photographs; NRCS-CN method
Investigation of the establishment and dynamics of black pine in the fir zone of Tymphristos mountain under climate change
Papadopoulos A., Katsaiti C., (Corresponding) Pantera A.
Agroforestry, forest and agricultural sustainability
The establishment and dynamics of black pine in comparison to fir on the Tymphristos mountain, Greece, was investigated based on their growth behavior and the ecological factors governing the area. Specifically, from a black pine stand, derived from reforestations and which presently contains also...Read more
Fir decline and necrosis: the role of climate change and forest fires
Papadopoulos A., Sotiriou C., (Corresponding) Pantera A.
Agroforestry, forest and agricultural sustainability
Chronologies of tree-ring widths of living and dead trees were analyzed from a stand of Cephalonian f ir, located in an adjacent to a burned by a forest fire area. The
purpose of the research was to investigate, from a dendroecological point of view, the fir forest dieback phenomenon, but also the...Read more
dendroecology, tree-rings, Abies cephalonica fir decline, forest fires, climate change.
On the geochemistry of Gialova lagoon, SW Peloponnesus, Greece
Papakonstantinou M., Sergiou S., Dimas X., Fakiris E., Christodoulou D., Geraga M., (Corresponding) Papatheodorou G.
Heavy metals in the environment
The spatial distribution of lithological characteristics, organic carbon and major / trace elements was studied in the surface sediments of the Gialova lagoon, a shallow water lagoon (<1.0 m) which is located at southwestern Peloponnesus (Greece). The sediment samples were collected on the basis...Read more
Detoxification of molasses and production of mycelial mass and polysaccharides from Morchella conica mushroom.
Dedousi M., Diamantis I., Melanouri E., Fourtaka K., (Corresponding) Diamantopoulou P.
Agroforestry, forest and agricultural sustainability
The impact of molasses on the fungal mass, valuable secondary metabolites’ production and quality characteristics of the edible wild ascomycetous Morchella conica, strain AMRL78 was examined in this study. Morchella mycelium were produced in submerged, static and agitated cultures and the C/N ratio...Read more
Updating hydrologic studies and the impact on hydraulic design
(Corresponding) DANIIL E., MICHAS S.
Estimation and prediction under past and future conditions (climate, population, land use change)
Flood events causing damages, fatalities, trigger new flood protection studies. Updated hydrologic study conforming with recent develop¬ments is required. Implementation of 2007/60/EU Directive led to Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment and Flood Risk Management Plans, establishment of related...Read more
hydrologic prediction, flood protection, hydraulic design, IDFs, past and present conditions
Oliva G., (Corresponding) Zarra T., Senatore V., Giaquinto D., Galang M., Belgiorno V., Naddeo V.
Air pollution
The World Health Organization (WHO) at the end of January 2020 declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). At the end of March 2020, the epidemic turned into the pandemic. The consequent stringent lockdown measures adopted to mitigate the spread of the virus generated huge...Read more
air quality, covid, policy-makers, impact, pollutants
Odours emitted from industrial and environmental protection plants have been included among atmospheric pollutants as they are cause of annoyance for the exposed residents. The control of the odour emissions is therefore a key aspect to pursue. The research presents and discusses the development of...Read more
citizen science, odour, industrial plants, IOMS, social partecipation
Assessing small & medium-sized enterprises’ resilience capacity to flooding: Evidence from a structural equation model
(Corresponding) Skouloudis A., Evangelinos K., Vouros P., Nikolaou I., Tsalis t.
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
In this study a model that comprises of factors linked to the resilience capacity of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to flooding is tested. A sample of 343 enterprises from flood-prone areas was administered a structured questionnaire on cognitive, managerial and contextual factors that...Read more
The research present a novel dynamic and embedded multi criteria methodology for the environmental monitoring and control of large-scale civil engineering works subjected to environmental impact assessment procedure. The principal phases are discussed and highlighted, along with the identification...Read more
environmental monitoring, port, mitigation actions, civil works, real-time data