CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Rapidly growing cities and critical environmental issues: An evaluation model to support policy-making
(Corresponding) Nesticò A., Somma P., Maselli G., Naddeo V.
Spatial environmental planning
The use of multi-criteria analysis methods as a decision support tool plays a crucial role in defining spatial policies oriented towards environmental quality enhancement, social and cultural development, and economic feasibility. In order to support sustainable city governance processes, purpose...Read more
Comparison the effectiveness of three outranking multicriteria methods as analytical tools for the efficiency assessment of biorefineries/ waste-to-energy technologies
Isigonis P., (Corresponding) Vakalis S.
Circular economy and industrial symbiosis
Circular Economy is at the heart of the EU Green Deal, Europe’s new agenda for sustainable growth. Waste Management has been firmly focusing on material and energy recovery, through the development of policy schemes and the utilization of resource recovery facilities. Waste-to-energy technologies...Read more
The Implementation of Risk Management processes as a contributing factor to the minimization of shipping disasters through the study of previous shipping accidents
(Corresponding) BOVIATSIS M., Vlachos G.
Disaster risk reduction and management
Environmental disasters can maliciously affect property, human lives and even entire ecosystems. The magnitude and extent of such a disaster can lead to uncertainty about who is liable and how the restoration of the environmental damage will be achieved. The implementation of Risk Management...Read more
Biobased Lubricants within a Circular Economy Concept: Utilization of Spent Coffee Grounds as an Alternative Sustainable Feedstock
(Corresponding) Dodos G., Deligiannis A., Karonis D., Zannikos F.
Circular economy and industrial symbiosis
The economy is gradually transitioning to a circular model that extends resources, reduces waste and requires a great deal of creative thinking. Both established and emerging global economies view waste as a bioresource for our next generation energy, chemicals, or platform molecules and materials...Read more
To Regulate or Not to Regulate? What to Do With More Toxic Disinfection By-Products?
(Corresponding) Richardson S., Plewa M., Wagner E., Krasner S., Liberatore H., Jia A., Guo Y.
Drinking water safety
Drinking water disinfection by-products (DBPs) are an unintended consequence of using chemical disinfectants to kill harmful pathogens in water. DBPs are formed by the reaction of disinfectants with naturally occurring organic matter, bromide, and iodide, as well as from anthropogenic pollutants,...Read more
Modelling the hydrothermal carbonization of cheese whey wastewater in Lesvos island: an application of the 3-step evolution model
Chatzimaliakas P., (Corresponding) Vakalis S.
Lesvos island has an extensive dairy production sector, and -at present- eighteen dairy processing facilities are operating. Efficient management of the liquid biowaste effluents has been an issue of interest since the scope is the minimization of the environmental impact. The operating dairy...Read more
Hydrothermal carbonization, Modelling, Biowaste, Cheese whey wastewater, 3-step evolution model
Greenhouse gases in the urban environment of Athens, trends and sources
(Corresponding) Bougiatioti A., Dimitriou K., Ramonet M., Pierros F., Michalopoulos P., Liakakou E., Solomos S., Quehe P., Delmotte M., Gerasopoulos E., Kanadikou M., Mihalopoulos N.
Climpact: national network for climate change and its impacts
Yearlong greenhouse gases (CO2 and CH4) concentration measurements were performed for the first time in the city of Athens, from 21/12/2018 to 31/12/2019, and analyzed in relation to atmospheric levels, wind direction at a local, regional and long-range transport scale. Clear diurnal and seasonal...Read more
Ground based integrated path differential absorption sensor for remote sensing of CO2, CH4 and H2O atmospheric greenhouse gases
(Corresponding) Panagiotis S., Psyllakis G., Samartzis P., Velegrakis M.
Environmental odour, monitoring and control
An autonomous, ground-based, integrated path, differential absorption light detection (IPDA) system is presented, capable of measuring multiple gases concentration in the atmosphere. The device was developed to monitor small scale locations with high greenhouse gases emissions and is equipped with...Read more
Environmental LCA and Carbon Footprint of Cauliflower as Produced in Southeast Spain
Rasines L., San Miguel G., Molina-García Á., Artés-Hernández F., Hontoria E., (Corresponding) Aguayo E.
Life cycle analysis (lca)
Southern Spain has an optimal climate for growing fruits and vegetables. Over 39,534 ha are currently dedicated to the production of cauliflower and broccoli in Spain, 33% of which correspond to the Region of Murcia. This type of intensive agriculture causes environmental impacts which must be...Read more
Impacts of Wildfires on Surface Runoff and Erosion: The Case Study of a Fire Event in Pelion Area, Greece
Psilovikos A., Mpouras G., (Corresponding) Papathanasiou T., Malamataris D., Psilovikos T., Spiridis A.
Estimation and prediction under past and future conditions (climate, population, land use change)
Wildfires can trigger dramatic increases in surface runoff and erosion, because of the burned vegetation and the appearance of a condition of soil-water repellence. Fire-enhanced surface runoff generation and soil erosion constitute adverse effects of high concern for a long-term future period...Read more
Wildfires, land use change, surface runoff, NRCS-CN method, sediment loss