CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Analysis of fungal bioaerosols in Athens: a pilot study.
(Corresponding) Metaxatos A., Manibusan S., Mainelis G.
Urban environment and health
This pilot study is the first attempt to describe the bioaerosol composition found in Athens' urban air by DNA barcoding. There are currently limitations in establishing a direct link between fungal exposure and health effects due to shortcomings of existing sampling and analysis methods,...Read more
Fungi, bioaerosols, Athens, DNA barcoding, taxonomy
The effect of incorporating biosolids on soil quality after cotton crop management
(Corresponding) Giannakopoulos E., Makrygianni E., Evangelou E., Salachas G.
New solutions for a better and sustainable agriculture
pilot sewage sludge (also known as “biosolids”, BS) application of 7,000 kg/ha (dry weight) was performed in the area of Lamia prefecture, central Greece, in two fields cultivated with Cotton. BS was very rich in organic matter (75%) and had high concentrations of nutrients, with all heavy metals...Read more
Sewage Sludge, soil organic matter, heavy metals, soil quality
The environmental benefits of small-scale timber frame dwellings for utilization of forested and rural remote areas in Greece
(Corresponding) Psilovikos T., (Corresponding) Stergiadou A., Moutsopoulos D.
Spatial environmental planning
Wood is the only renewable material produced by photosynthesis. Wood has the ability to preserve the stored carbon in its molecular structure as long as remain within a structure. Small-scalelightweight timber dwellings are gaining recognition in Europe after the dominance of concrete and steel...Read more
Solar photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceutical compounds using ZnSnO3/CB composites
Kouvelis k., Petala A., (Corresponding) Frontistis Z., Kondarides D.
Advanced oxidation processes
In this study, the activity of ZnSnO3 as a photocatalyst for the degradation of persistent micro–pollutants under simulated solar irradiation has been assessed. Zinc stannate (ZnSnO3), belongs to the class of ternary oxides and has a reported band gap of 2.4 eV. Due to its narrow band gap can be...Read more
Tackling single-use plastic items in the Mediterranean
(Corresponding) Xirou H., Sherrington C., Bapasola A.
Microplastics in the marine environment
Overall, plastics are estimated to account for around 95% of the waste in the open sea, on the seabed and on beaches across the Mediterranean. In the Mediterranean, it is estimated an annual plastic leakage of 229,000 tonnes, made up of 94% macroplastics and 6% microplastics [1]. The scope of this...Read more
Heterogeneous activation of persulfate by LaSrNiGaO3
Kouvelis K., Petala A., Bampos G., (Corresponding) Frontistis Z., Kondarides D.
Advanced oxidation processes
In recent years, scientists in the field of environmental management and protection, have not only detected but also quantified a large number of pharmaceuticals in treated wastewater, surface and groundwater. In order to address this problem, intensive research is carried out to develop effective...Read more
Uncertainty aspects of 2D flood modelling in a benchmark case study
(Corresponding) Bellos V., Tsihrintzis V.
Prediction in ungauged basins and prediction under uncertainty
In this study, we investigate the contribution of several uncertainty drivers towards the total uncertainty of a 2D flood model, in a benchmark case study under steady flow conditions. The simulator used for the analysis is the in-house FLOW-R2D software, whilst the benchmark case study consists of...Read more
Understanding the EU ETS Market Structure Using Transactions of Core Participants
(Corresponding) Dimos S., Evangelatou E., Fotakis D., Mantis A., Mathioudaki A.
Environmental data analysis and modelling
European Union Emission Trading System (EU ETS) is a key instrument of EU’s climate policy and the largest international cap-and-trade system. Every allowance transaction is recorded in an electronic registry, called European Union Transaction Log (EUTL). Utilizing the vast amount of EUTL data, we...Read more
Dual Discounting for the Environmental Decision-Making
(Corresponding) Maselli G., Nesticò A.
Environmental data analysis and modelling
Nowadays, making sustainable decisions is one of the main priorities of government policies. Therefore, it is increasingly urgent to define investment decision support tools that ensure a long-term balance between environmental integrity, intergenerational equality, and economic efficiency. This...Read more
Environmental Decision-Making, Economic evaluation of Projects, Social Discounting.
Simulation of an urban flash flood: the 2017 flood event in Mandra, Attica
Handrinos S., (Corresponding) Bellos V., Sibetheros I.
Floods, droughts and water scarcity
This study deals with the 2D flood simulation of an urban flash flood event that took place on November 15, 2017 in Mandra, Attica. The well-known hydrodynamic software HEC-RAS was used for the flood simulation. The model input was an ensemble of 100 hydrographs, derived from the simulation of the...Read more