CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Extent and distribution of microplastic contamination in the benthic sediment of Turag river in Bangladesh
Tofa T., (Corresponding) Chowdhury V., Nur S., Chowdhury M.
Microplastics in water treatment: fate, toxicity assessment and removal technologies
Microplastics are ubiquitous in the aquatic environment. However, a limited number of studies have been conducted on the quantification of accumulated microplastics in benthic sediments of freshwater bodies, which pose threat to the health of benthic communities through food chain contamination...Read more
Microplastics, River, Benthic sediment, Extraction, Categorization
Nonlinear Autoregressive Neural Networks for Air Temperature forecasting
Philippopoulos K., (Corresponding) Tzanis C., Deligiorgi D., Alimissis A.
Environmental data analysis and modelling
In the field of climatic conditions forecasting, the linear classical time series models are inadequate for modelling and predicting accurately the air temperature variability. This work presents the novel application of nonlinear autoregressive neural networks (NAR) in air temperature forecasting...Read more
Climatology of the impact of atmospheric circulation on surface meteorological conditions over Greece
(Corresponding) Philippopoulos K., Tzanis C., Deligiorgi D., Alimissis A.
Environmental data analysis and modelling
Large-scale atmospheric circulation is a critical factor that controls the surface climatic conditions of a specific region. The scope of this work is to examine this relationship for different climatic regions over Greece and provide a detailed descriptive statistical analysis for multiple...Read more
Declassification of drilling waste from oil & gas exploitation through end-of-waste criteria to be used as construction materials
Kazamias G., (Corresponding) Zorpas A.
Hazardous waste management
All activities related to Oil & Gas Exploration, Production, Storage and Transportation involve waste generation associated to potential risk to environment. Waste types are related to Exploration and Producing (E&P) activities. These activities are: Drilling operations, Production...Read more
end-of-waste criteria, drilling waste, Oil & Gas Exploration, construction materials
Marine litter monitoring: the case study of Paros island
Marmara D., Kontomanoli Z., Cevello S., Ragkousis M., Kelaidoni A., (Corresponding) Krasakopoulou E.
Marine environment and coastal management
Marine litter have been characterized as one of the main threats for societies, while among them, plastics have been found in various marine ecosystems. A monitoring project on marine litter, based on beach visual-surveys started in 2019, on Paros Island in the Aegean Sea, under the Clean Blue...Read more
A Decision Support Matrix for Water Quality Based Stormwater Management
(Corresponding) Suits K., Annus I., Kändler N., Vassiljev A.
Estimation and prediction under past and future conditions (climate, population, land use change)
Extreme weather events and climate change are stressing urban stormwater systems beyond their capacity, posing potential threat to both the built and natural environments. This paper aims to contribute to risk mitigation through evaluating the feasibility of using a decision support matrix for...Read more
stormwater, water quality, case study, e-monitoring
A comparison of electrooxidation of phenol on boron doped diamond and mixed metal oxide anodes
Djuricic T., Prosen H., Kravos A., Micin S., (Corresponding) Malinovic B.
Wastewater treatment
Phenolic compounds are widespread in wastewater from various industries. Since the phenols are potentially carcinogenic for humans and hazardous for the environment, their presence in wastewater raises concerns. In this paper electrooxidation process was used for treatment of synthetical prepared...Read more
The complex of natural enemies of invasive species Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) on greenhouse-grown tomato crops conditions from southern Romania
(Corresponding) IAMANDEI M., ROSCA I., Radulea M., CHIRILOAIE-PALADE A.
Ecological effects of environmental change
An obvious consequence of climate change is represented by the rapid spread and establishment of the invasive alien pest worldwide. Soon after its introduction in Romania, the tomato leaf miner Tuta absoluta is considered the greatest threat to protected tomato crops in the area from south of the...Read more
climate change, ecosystem services, invasive species
Determination of the occurrence of pharmaceuticals in Irish surface waters
(Corresponding) O'Flynn D., Regan F., White B., Hands I., Lawler J.
Emerging pollutants
The rising consumption of pharmaceuticals in the last decade have led to the contamination of global surface water ecosystems from µg/L to ng/L concentrations. The concentrations, fate and toxicological implications of pharmaceuticals and their residues remain generally unknown. The continual...Read more
pharmaceutical, surface water, micro-pollutant, Watch List
Determination of Watch List chemicals in Irish surface waters: Chemical occurrence and analytical method challenges.
(Corresponding) Regan F., Hands I., Rapp Wright H., O'Flynn D., Vickneswaren M., White B.
Emerging pollutants
Contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) which do not have adequate data on occurrence in the environment are being added to the Watch List under the Water Framework Directive. The WL contains multiple CECs or groups of CECs with differing chemistries which can make analysis of surface water samples...Read more