CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Implications of small-scale fisheries in Istrian waters on cartilaginous species
(Corresponding) Iveša N., Buršić M., Gelli M., Barić O., Filipas R., Castellicchio A., Gavrilović A.
Marine environment and coastal management
In small-scale fishing in the northern Adriatic region, a certain percentage of catches consists of cartilaginous fish, and is still considered as bycatch. Despite global concerns about their overfishing, they are still understudied. In order to obtain data on the presence of cartilaginous fish in...Read more
Presence and removal of Organic Micropollutants in 8 different Wastewater Treatment Plants and Risk Assessment of treated effluent
(Corresponding) Di Marcantonio C., Chiavola A., Meccoli L., Leoni S., Calchetti T., Gioia V., Mancini M., Frugis A., Cecchini G., Ceci C., Spizzirri M., Boni M.
Wastewater treatment
Increasing attention has been paid in the recent years to the presence of Organic MicroPollutants (OMPs) in water, being considered a source of a high risk for public health and environment (Rodriguez-Narvaez et al., 2017). The present study belongs to a wide research activity carried out since...Read more
Risk analysis of pathogenic organisms during soil-aquifer treatment: application to a coastal aquifer in Cyprus
(Corresponding) Panagiotou C., Karaolia P., Papanastasiou P., Sprenger C.
Water treatment
A quantitative microbial risk analysis of Ezousa (Cyprus) Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) site is presented herein to evaluate the health risks associated with the pathogenic fraction of three microorganisms: the bacterium Escherichia Coli (E. Coli), the Rotavirus and the protozoan Giardia...Read more
OZKAN E., (Corresponding) AKDAG Y., BELER-BAYKAL B.
New solutions for a better and sustainable agriculture
Source separated human urine, a highly concentrated solution of nutrients, may be recycled directly or indirectly for further use as fertilizer. While environmental engineers (EnvE) recommend and set the fundamentals of this practice for valorizing a wastewater stream, farmers are the immediate...Read more
source separated human urine, fertilizer, nutrient recovery/recycling, acceptance of farmers and environmental engineers as occupational groups, Ecological Sanitation (ECOSAN)
Investigation of BVOC levels in a coastal urban environment: The Piraeus Port in Greece
(Corresponding) Liakakou E., Panopoulou A., Grivas G., Gerasopoulos E., Sauvage S., Mihalopoulos N.
Air pollution
Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) constitute organic species of high reactivity, influencing thus the composition of the atmosphere through participation in various reactions leading to the formation of secondary pollutants. Despite their well established origin from vegetation, focus is...Read more
Accumulation of microplastic in road dust and in soil alongside roads – a case study from the Eastern Region, Abu Dhabi
Habib R., Al Kindi R., Ghebremedhin F., Elkashlan M., Ajejevbe A., (Corresponding) Thiemann T.
Solid waste management
Roadsides and soil have been sampled for microplastic content in 7 locations in the Al Ain area, Eastern Region, Abu Dhabi, UAE. The collection sites constituted residential areas and fall-out roads, but also one Wadi and the shoreline of a man-make lake. The concentration of micro-tire particles...Read more
Citizens’ perceptions towards urban solid waste management system: Case Study of the Municipality of Kozani
(Corresponding) Adamidis T., Latinopoulos D.
Waste strategies development
The aim of this study is to investigate, through a survey the perceptions and attitudes of citizens about urban solid waste management system in the Municipality of Kozani.
The objective of this survey is to obtain information related to: the actual behavior of citizens, the determining factors...Read more
Destruction of anthracene and phenanthrene using PDS/UV, one of advanced oxidation processes in terms of degree of destruction and by-products.
(Corresponding) Nowakowski M., Czyż E., Wolski R., Andrzejewski P.
Advanced oxidation processes
Anthracene and phenanthrene belong to a group of persistent environmental contaminants called PAHs. Evaluation of the structural of two selected PAHs i.e. anthracene and phenanthrene on its resistance to destruction by UV-activated PDS was the aim of this study. Authors focused on two aspects of...Read more
A model-based study on the impact of different tree configurations on the thermal conditions of an urban square
Tseliou A., Koletsis I., Thoma E., Proutsos N., Lykoudis S., (Corresponding) Pantavou K., Tsiros I.
Environmental data analysis and modelling
The number of studies on mitigation and adaptation strategies aiming at the improvement of the urban microclimate increased remarkably during the last decades. Most studies are focusing on the impact of various design layouts, on thermal environment and pedestrians’ thermal sensation. The present...Read more
ENVI-met; thermal sensation; microclimatic conditions; leaf area density; summer
Non-Road Mobile Machinery Emission Inventory in forestry – first results for Croatia
Lončarević Š., Ilinčić P., Šagi G., (Corresponding) Lulić Z.
Air pollution
Most countries do not have an emission inventory for non-road mobile machinery. Existing inventories are usually based on assumptions, with little available data, due to various factors: a large number of machinery type, a large variety of internal combustion engines installed in non-road mobile...Read more
non-road mobile machinery, emission inventory, forestry, Croatia