CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
New polyacrylonitrile (PAN)-based porous carbons for the removal of industrial wood dyes from aqueous solutions
Domínguez-Ramos L., Tejado I., Gómez-Díaz D., Freire S., Lazzari M., (Corresponding) González-Álvarez J.
Wastewater treatment
Synthetic dyes degradation is a difficult task due to their complex aromatic structure, although its elimination by adsorption is effective. The aim of this research is to produce porous carbons derived from polyacrylonitrile (PAN) as wood dyes adsorbents. PAN is a nitrogen-rich precursor...Read more
The abundance, characteristics and risk of microplastics in surface water in urban artificial steams of Saudi Arabia
(Corresponding) Barceló D., Alfarhan A., El-Sheikh M., Picó Y.
Microplastics in water treatment: fate, toxicity assessment and removal technologies
The presence of microplastics (MPs) in water is an indicator of the increase of human impacts on the Earth. In this study, water of the channels and ponds that conduct a mix of surface water and treated wastewater in two cities of Saudi Arabia were assessed to ascertain the influence of the...Read more
Interactions between microplastics and organic pollutants: Effects on transport and bioaccumulation: from the lab to the environment
(Corresponding) Picó Y., Campo J., Alfarhan A., El-Sheikh M., Barceló D.
Microplastics in water treatment: fate, toxicity assessment and removal technologies
Microplastics (MPs) have the ability to extract/preconcentrate other contaminants from water samples and could also act as vectors to other environmental compartments. The occurrence and distribution of MPs in different points of Al-Jubail, the most important industrial city, and the second biggest...Read more
Microplastics, Saudi Arabia, Organic Pollutants, Sorption, Water
Analyzing the impact of Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in L’Albufera Natural Park (Valencia, Spain)
Sadutto D., Andreu V., Illo T., Akkanen J., (Corresponding) Picó Y.
Water and wastewater reuse
The Anthropocene is the new geological epoch in which persistent changes produced by anthropogenic forces in the Earth are occurring. The global change and pollution constitute the prevalent binomial that must be studied jointly to alleviate Anthropocene effects on the most sensitive ecosystems [1...Read more
Emerging contaminants, Mediterranean Wetlands, Spatial Distribution
Enhanced-Electrocoagulation For Organic Matter Removal From Surface Drinking Water Sources: Operational Parameters And Energy Consumption
(Corresponding) Daraei H., Intwala P., Awad J., Bertone E., Chow C., Duan J., Stewart R., Leuuwen J.
Water treatment
In this study, an Enhanced Electro-Coagulation (En-EC) technique is described for the removal of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from surface drinking water sources. Assessment of the En-EC technique included investigation of the impacts of operational factors on the organic removal efficiency (R%)...Read more
Enhanced Electrocoagulation, Dissolved Organic Matter, Surface Drinking Water sources, Energy Consumption, Coagulant dose control system
Continuous Flocs Image Analyser (C-FIA) For Flocs Dynamics Tracking During Conventional Water Treatment
(Corresponding) Daraei H., Bertone E., Khedher M., Chow C., Awad J., Akyol B., Duan J., Leeuwen J., STEWART R., Intwala P.
Water treatment
In this paper an image analyser termed ‘Continuous Floc Image Analyser (C-FIA)’ developed for tracking the dynamics of floc formation, growth and settling during conventional water-treatment (i.e. coagulation, flocculation, and settling processes) is described. The C-FIA is proposed as an...Read more
Energy Communities: A Significant Factor to alleviate Energy Poverty
(Corresponding) Lamprousis G., Golfinopoulos S.
Energy technologies and sustainability
At the end of the 20th century, one of the phenomena that affect humanity on a social, economic, political, and environmental level is the energy poverty, a concept that is still misunderstood. It is a distinct form of poverty associated with a range of adverse effects for people’s health and...Read more
Sustainability, Energy Production, Energy Communities, Energy poverty, Prosumer
High FAME yield Biodiesel from microalgae through nanocatalytic transesterification process.
Mittal V., (Corresponding) Ghosh U.
Environmental biotechnology and bioenergy
Biodiesel production from microalgae is significantly important when reserves of petro-diesel are depleting, and utilization of vegetable oil-based fuel leads to food scarcity. The rapid growth and high lipid content of microalgae is an ideal feedstock for biodiesel production. The use of...Read more
SEM-Scanning Electron Microscopy, FAME-Fatty acid methyl ester, BET-Brunauer-Emmett-Teller, FTIR- Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, GC-MS- Gas chromatography mass spectroscopy.
Development of Advanced Electrokinetic Separation for Sulfur-Containing Hot Spring Discharge with High Acidity
Lin Y., Tseng P., Fan C., (Corresponding) Pan S.
Water and wastewater reuse
Hot springs at the Beituo district, Taiwan are well-known for containing a significant amount of white or blue sulphur. With strong acidity and high conductivity, the used hot springs water did not meet the effluent water quality standards of the sewerage system. Discharging without appropriate...Read more
Ion exchange resins, Electrodeionization, Conductivity, Neutralization, Circular economy.
Increasing the recovery of automobile shredder residue (ASR) through assimilation to a solid recovered fuel (SRF): the results of a feasibility study
(Corresponding) Ruffino B., Minardi M., Guglielmino M., Bonino F., Zanetti M.
Energy technologies and sustainability
This study analyzes the possibility of assimilating some fractions extracted from the shredder light fraction (SLF) to a solid recovered fuel (SRF). Italian Ministerial Decree D.M. 22/2013 fixes the criteria for the assimilation in the compliance of three parameters (heating value and chlorine and...Read more
shredder light fraction (SLF), sieving, heavy metal, net heating value, thermal valorization