Displaying 151 - 160 of 565 in CEST2021 (remove filter)
CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Topographical map of infrastructures in forest areas and site inspections for nature development and protection, produced by using a low-cost Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles - evaluation case
(Corresponding) Stergiadou A., (Corresponding) Kolkos G.
Agroforestry, forest and agricultural sustainability
Site inspections of the road network and the infrastructures in forest areas are crucial for development and protection of natural environment from several disasters such as forest fires. A digital topographical map can be an administrative tool to the Civil Protection and to Forest Offices for...Read more
Condensate originating from household food waste as a substrate for Microbial Fuel Cells
Kamperidis T., Pandis P., Vlachaki E., (Corresponding) Tremouli A., Lyberatos G.
Environmental biotechnology and bioenergy
A microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a bioreactor that converts the chemical energy of the bonds of organic compounds to electrical energy, through the catalytic reactions of microorganisms. Under anaerobic conditions various substrates have been examined using MFC technology. This study examines the...Read more
Microbial Fuel Cell, Condensate, Household food waste, Wastewater treatment, Energy production
The presence of organochlorinated pesticides in the marine environment of the Mediterranean Sea: A Systematic Review
Marine environment and coastal management
Plant protection products, also known as pesticides, are chemical compounds that are used for the protcection of plants against pests, weeds and diseases which affect the quantinty and quality of agricultural products. The present study is a systematic review of the scientific literature regarding...Read more
Kinetics study of the MO adsorption and photocatalytic degradation using an effectively engineered HF photocatalyst
(Corresponding) Theodorakopoulos G., Katsaros F., Papageorgiou S., Romanos G.
Water treatment
In this study, copper decorated photocatalysts (Degussa P25), were shaped in the form of ceramic hollow fibers (HFs) and their photocatalytic properties were investigated using Methyl Orange (MO), a prototype anionic pollutant. The abatement of the dye was tested in dark and under UV irradiation by...Read more
Adsorption; Photocatalysis; Kinetics study; Batch reactor; MO degradation
Enhancing citizen engagement in water resources management
(Corresponding) Rodrigues C., Pinheira A., Silva N., Falcão S., Martins R., Loureiro I., Ribeiro C.
Water policy, management and society
The world is currently facing serious water challenges that require an unprecedented global response. The present study proposes a multidisciplinary and dynamic approach to enhance citizen involvement in water resources management. It was conducted in Ave river, a medium-large sized river located...Read more
Water Resources, Sustainability, Society, Water Policy, Community-based monitoring
Practical Applications of Groundwater Modeling in Contaminated Site Investigation and Remediation
(Corresponding) Toskos T.
Soil and groundwater contamination and remediation
Modeling is a very useful tool in the investigation and remediation of contaminated sites, that is generally misunderstood and underutilized. Often, modeling is perceived as requiring protracted and expensive efforts, beyond the means of most projects. However, developing a clear set of objectives...Read more
Quantification of feedstocks and outputs for a regional Bioeconomy using the AD Biorefinery concept.
(Corresponding) Curry R., Blaine L.
Circular economy and industrial symbiosis
Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG’s) from agriculture in Northern Ireland account for over 27% of regional emissions, as opposed to 7% for the UK overall, leaving the region with challenges in meeting climate abatement targets. The development of a sustainable regional Bioeconomy has been identified as...Read more
Data Visualization Techniques for Contaminated Site Investigation and Remediation
(Corresponding) Toskos T.
Soil and groundwater contamination and remediation
Site investigations and remedial actions generate large amounts of data. While tabulating the data is necessary for the purpose of satisfying reporting requirements and comparisons to standards, it does not allow us to understand and explore relationships in the data to obtain important information...Read more
Assessment of thermal indices applicability in Cyprus
Pantavou K., Giallouros G., Lykoudis S., (Corresponding) Nikolopoulos G.
Environmental data analysis and modelling
Thermal indices are commonly used to assess outdoor thermal environments. This study aims to examine the applicability of popular thermal indices for the assessment of thermal sensation in Cyprus. Field surveys were conducted in outdoor public sites in five districts of the Republic of Cyprus. The...Read more
thermal index, thermal sensation, index evaluation, field survey, Mediterranean climate
Occurrence and potential accumulation of pharmaceuticals in agricultural soils treated with wastewater under real-world environmental conditions in Cyprus
Beretsou V., Iakovides I., Nika M., Gkotsis G., Christou A., Thomaidis N., (Corresponding) Fatta-Kassinos D.
Emerging pollutants
Due to water supply shortages that result from climate change, urbanization, regional droughts and pollution, treated wastewater (TWW) is commonly used to irrigate agricultural land in arid and semi-arid regions. Compared to aquatic systems, contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) only scarcely...Read more