Conference proceedings

Displaying 11 - 17 of 17 in CEST2021 (remove filter), green (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Is Greece greener than the data shows? Calculation of Green GDP and comparison with neighboring countries

(Corresponding) Stjepanović S., Škare M., Tomić D.
Environmental data analysis and modelling
Is Greece greener than the current economic indicators show? GDP is used as the leading economic indicator of economic growth and progress. GDP as a measure, among other things, lacks an environmental component. In this paper, we have developed a Green GDP for Greece and neighboring countries and...Read more
Green GDP, cost of pollution, CO2 emissions, Greece.
Paper ID: 

Assessing the performance of green nano Zero Valent Iron in column experiments for the removal of NSAIDs from water

(Corresponding) Panagou I., Kalli M., Noutsopoulos C., Mamais D., Koumaki E., Malamis S.
Emerging pollutants
The existence of emerging contaminants in the aquatic environment is globally a major concern. Among them, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are a vast category of pharmaceuticals that are widely consumed and cannot be completely removed in typical wastewater treatment systems, thus...Read more
nano zero valent iron, green synthesis, continuous flow experiments, NSAIDs, emerging contaminants
Paper ID: 

Energy Supply of a Conference Center Towards Nearly Zero-Energy Building in Accordance with the Standards of the European Green Deal

Energy technologies and sustainability
In December 2019, the European Commission proposed the European Green Deal, a set of policy initiatives that aim to transform the European Union into a low carbon economy and achieve climate neutrality by 2050. Building renovation is a core element of the European Green Deal, promoting the...Read more
European Green Deal, Renovation Wave, Energy Supply, Renewable Energy Sources, Conference Center, Orthodox Academy of Crete
Paper ID: 

Circular Economy Shadows

(Corresponding) Sulich A., Sołoducho-Pelc L.
Ecology, environmental change and management
The effects of the Circular Economy (CE) are positive and negative. However, the beneficial aspects are widely considered. The CE creates a link between economic growth and limited resources by cuts waste from the production system. Therefore, CE is associated with increased prosperity, the...Read more
Green Economy, Management, Sustainable Development.
Paper ID: 

Preliminary study of minerals, tyrosinase and elastase activity in plants from urbans park– green analytical solutions

Zovko Končić M., Jug M., Dalipi R., Sangiorgi E., Margui E., (Corresponding) Jablan J.
Green chemistry
Users of cosmetics in particular show a strong preference for products derived from plant extracts and other natural sources, as they consider them to be environmentally friendly, safe, and capable of positively affecting the health and appearance of human skin. The present study aims to analyze...Read more
cosmeceutical, green extraction, minerals, TXRF
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Green walls for greywater treatment and reuse in Mediterranean countries

Martinuzzi N., Rivai K., (Corresponding) Rizzo A., Masi F., Sarnari B., BOUSSELMI L.
Sustainable water management in the mediterranean – technological solutions, demonstration and deployment
This paper describes four case studies in which two types of green walls are implemented for greywater treatment and reuse in Mediterranean countries, Living walls and Green façade. Green walls are vertical vegetated systems that can be integrated into urban environments, providing various benefits...Read more
Greywater; Sustainable Water Management; Green Walls; Nature-Based Solutions
Paper ID: 

The European Green Deal - Environmental priorities and related R&I activities

(Corresponding) Manfred R.
Environmental management and policies
The presentation explains the background and objectives of the European Green Deal as well as its different elements, which have been adopted so far. It focuses on the areas of responsibility of DG Environment. This covers in particular the biodiversity strategy, the circular economy action plan...Read more
Green Deal, research and innovation
Paper ID: 