Conference proceedings

Displaying 31 - 40 of 565 in CEST2021 (remove filter), (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Municipal solid waste management in island communities: existing experience and implementation possibilities for South Aegean Islands

Xanthopoulos P., (Corresponding) Papapostolou C., Kondili E., Stylianopoulou K.
Solid waste management
Solid waste management in island communities is triggered by the limitation in the availability of resources, which in combination to the small amounts of wastes produced, renders the selection and sizing of the appropriate methods and infrastructures very challenging. Certain complexity to the...Read more
Municipal solid waste management; island communities; scale of capacities; synergetic model
Paper ID: 

Catalytic Enhancement of Ozone-Based Processes for Removal of Selected Antibiotics from Wastewaters

(Corresponding) Žgajnar Gotvajn A., Derco J., Antončič T., Vrabel M.
Advanced oxidation processes
The aim of our work was to use advanced oxidation processes based on formation of reactive hydroxyl radicals (OH·) due to ozonation and its combination with H2O2, Fe2+ as catalyst and UV light for removal of Amoxicillin and Levofloxacin from model wastewaters at different pHs. Removal efficiencies...Read more
antibiotics, biotreatability, kinetics, ozonation
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A detailed characterisation of household food waste and the implications of sorting behaviour on potentials for anaerobic digestion and nutrient recovery

(Corresponding) Walk S., Hausbeck G., Körner I.
Food waste
This study investigates household food waste (HH FW) generation in two socio-economically different areas in Lübeck, Germany. The applied waste characterisation protocol provided a detailed insight into the generation and separation behavior of FW collected in the municipal collection system. In...Read more
Food waste, Waste characterisation, Waste management, Anaerobic digestion, Circular economy
Paper ID: 

Litter decomposition across a post-fire chronosequence in Mediterranean pine forests.

Sazeides C., Christopoulou A., (Corresponding) Fyllas N.
Agroforestry, forest and agricultural sustainability
Litter decomposition is a key component of the global carbon cycle, and a process of great importance for the function of forest ecosystems. The rate of litter decomposition shows significant variation both between different forest types and within forests of different successional stage...Read more
decomposition, Pinus brutia, C-cycle, stand structure
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Cross-border trade: certification schemes for recycling derived organic fertiliser (RDF)

(Corresponding) Bur A., Laub K., Weiler K., Wern B.
Agroforestry, forest and agricultural sustainability
The project ReNu2Farm (Nutrient Recycling – from pilot production to farms and fields, funded by the EU Interreg North-West Europe Program) focuses on closing nutrient cycles to substitute mineral fertiliser and to contribute to a sustainable agriculture by supporting demand-oriented application of...Read more
EU Fertiliser Product Regulation, Nutrient Circles, Circular Economy, Certification Scheme, European single market
Paper ID: 

Fine dust impact by wood energy of a structured oil heating replacement in Luxembourg – Possibilities, pathways and impacts

(Corresponding) Wern B., Noll F., Zheng Y.
Energy technologies and sustainability
Heating and cooling needed in 2015 the half of final energy consumption in EU and is the biggest energy sector in EU 28. Often, the energy supply is provided by petroleum products and has to be transformed into low greenhouse gas supply according the agreements of the Paris follow-up-process. This...Read more
oil heating replacement, spatial planning, fine dust impact, heating transition
Paper ID: 

Investigation of variables affecting UV-LED photocatalytic degradation of antibiotics ciprofloxacin and sulfamethoxazole

(Corresponding) Bertagna Silva D., Buttiglieri G., Babić S.
Advanced oxidation processes
In this study, photolytic and photocatalytic degradation of two antibiotics in ultra-pure water were analyzed. A lab-scale cylindrical reactor had its inner walls impregnated with TiO2 nanofilm for the photocatalytic experiments. In the first step, an optimized photoreactor design was chosen based...Read more
Ciprofloxacin; Light-emitting diodes; Photocatalysis; Photoreactor design; Sulfamethoxazole; Ultra-violet
Paper ID: 

Green organizational culture – its essence, elements and methods of diagnosis

(Corresponding) Piwowar-Sulej K.
Environmental management and policies
The analysis of papers indexed in Scopus database revealed that insufficient attention is paid to organizational culture treated as one of the crucial factors in shaping employees’ appropriate behaviors towards natural environment. Taking this into account the purpose of this paper is to present...Read more
environmental sustainability, green HRM, employee behavior
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Life Cycle Assessment of Cheese in Terms of Climate Change

(Corresponding) Dagiliūtė R., Minkevičiūtė I., Dikšaitytė A.
Life cycle analysis (lca)
Milk products are important sources of nutrients in the human diet; however, they have a significant impact on the environment, particularly because of the greenhouse gases that are generated during the production of these products. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the impact of life cycle of...Read more
life cycle assessment, cheese, climate change, Lithuania
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New pillared clays for the removal of pollutants from wastewater by treatment with oxidation processes

(Corresponding) Kalmakhanova M., Massalimova B., Diaz de Tuesta J., Gomes H.
Advanced oxidation processes
The constant development of technological processes aggravates the problem of pollution, due to a significant change in the composition of effluents that makes necessary the development of new (and/or improvement of the existing) treatment methods and catalytic materials. In this sense, the use of...Read more
Wastewater treatment, pillared clays, oxidation, catalyst, organic pollutants
Paper ID: 