CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Characterization and toxicity assessment of industrial microplastics made of Bakelite
(Corresponding) Kalčikova G., Rozman U., (Corresponding) Skalar T.
Microplastics in the marine environment
Microplastic research has focused mainly on particles made of polymers from ordinary consumer plastic products while industrial plastics has been largely overlooked. However, industrial plastics as Bakelite can be of a great importance due to their extensive use and unknown impact on the...Read more
The green strategies together with decisions create a business ecosystem in the Environmental Goods and Services Sector (EGSS). Such an ecosystem is a result of both technological development and strategy evolution. This paper aims to present and discuss the outcomes (as relations) of this sector...Read more
Green Management, Green Decisions, Environmental Goods and Services Sector, Circular Economy.
Trifluralin-polluted soil treatment using nanosecond pulsed DBD plasma
Hatzisymeon M., Tataraki D., Rassias G., (Corresponding) Aggelopoulos C.
Soil and groundwater contamination and remediation
Cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) was examined as an advanced oxidation process (AOP) for the remediation of trifluralin in soil. Trifluralin is a commonly used herbicide, which is toxic and persistent in soil. CAP experiments were conducted using a cylinder-to-cylindrical-grid reactor layout, driven...Read more
Evaluation of Satellite-based Rainfall Estimates for the Upper Blue Nile Basin
(Corresponding) Gado T., Zamzam D., Zeidan B.
Hydrology and water resources
Water resources planning and management are generally based on precipitation data. In the Nile Basin, conventional rain gauges are normally sparse, and hence, satellite-based rainfall estimates have become vital for hydrometeorological studies in the basin. However, estimates from satellite...Read more
Satellite precipitation products, CHIRPS, GSMAP, PERSIANN, TRMM, Upper Blue Nile Basin.
A comparative evaluation of urban metabolism methodologies
(Corresponding) Voukkali I., ZORPAS A.
City metabolism or areas metabolism
Globally, urban metabolism analysis has become a significant tool for the study of urban ecosystems. Urban metabolism as a concept represents an integrated platform for analyzing the urban dynamics and supporting the planning processes in cities as social-ecological systems within the concept of...Read more
Urban metabolism, Emergy analysis, Ecological Footprint Analysis, Material Flow Analysis
Livestock Greenhouse Gases emissions and its contribution to Climate Change. The case study of a Cyprus cow farm
LOIZIA P., (Corresponding) VOUKKALI I., ZORPAS A.
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Human population is expected to increase from 7.8 to 9.4 billion by 2050. At the same time the demand for agricultural products will increase by about 50-70%. As a result, there is a growing awareness that rapid growth in global production and consumption of livestock products is contributing to...Read more
Estimation of Evapotranspiration under the Effect of Climate Change in Egypt
(Corresponding) Gado T., Mohameden M., Rashwan I.
Hydrology and water resources
Accurate estimation of evapotranspiration is important for water resources management. In this study, using historical meteorological data of 21 stations, the FAO Penman-Monteith method (FAO56-PM) was applied to predict the reference evapotranspiration (ETo) in Egypt during the late of this century...Read more
(Corresponding) Darbra R., Wooldridge C., Puig M., Selén V.
Environmental impact of maritime transport
This paper presents the results of research conducted in collaboration with 97 ESPO EcoPorts members that completed the Self-Diagnosis Method (SDM), most of them members of the EU TEN-T network. SDM is a concise checklist against which ports can self-assess their environmental management...Read more
Environmental management of Ports, Environmental indicators, Benchmark performance.
The inter-organizational green careers – literature review and a conceptual framework
(Corresponding) Sulich A., Piwowar-Sulej K.
Innovative environmental solutions
The analysis of publications indexed in Scopus and Web of Science databases revealed that there is a lack of research on designing an internal green career in companies. Therefore, the paper aims to present the searching results and characterize the possibilities of the development of internal...Read more
Environmental management, green HRM, green jobs, sustainable development
Automated In-Situ Cyanotoxin Assessment Toolbox For Real-Time Surface Water Monitoring (CYANOBOX)
Keliri E., Hadjiantonis A., Demosthenous P., (Corresponding) Antoniou M.
Process understanding through innovative sensors and remote sensing
Automated In-Situ Cyanotoxin Assessment Toolbox for Real-Time Surface Water Monitoring, CYanoBox, is a 3-year project, coordinated by the innovation and technology company CyRIC, for the development of novel biosensors, and reliable at-source detection of toxic metabolites. The project aims to...Read more