Conference proceedings

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 in Environmental odour, monitoring and control (remove filter), waste (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Statistical prediction models for the odour emissions quantification in terms of odour concentration: Analysis and comparison

(Corresponding) Galang M., Ballesteros Jr. F., Zarra T., Naddeo V., Belgiorno V.
Environmental odour, monitoring and control
Measuring odour concentration is a significant step to achieve efficient environmental odour management in continuous, objective and repeatable manner. To deal with this, researchers developed instrumental odour monitoring systems (IOMS) by applying odour monitoring models (OMM) for prediction. At...Read more
artificial neural network, dynamic olfactometry, environmental odour, instrumental odour monitoring system, municipal solid waste
Paper ID: 

Removal of gaseous ammonia released from odorous composting leachate employing carbonaceous adsorbents prepared from agro-industrial wastes

PERDIGÃO-LIMA T., Feliciano M., Pereira Wilken A., Gomes H., Shinibekova A., Kalmakhanova M., Massalimova B., (Corresponding) Diaz de Tuesta J.
Environmental odour, monitoring and control
Biological and composting processes used in the treatment of municipal solid waste typically are sources of odour pollution (gaseous pollutants include SO2, NH3, H2S and other toxic air pollutants). In this work, the removal of NH3 present in odorous composting leachate was assessed for the first...Read more
adsorption, biomass waste, waste valorisation, hydrochar, carbon-based materials.
Paper ID: 