Displaying 41 - 50 of 81 in Emerging pollutants (remove filter)
CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Canada’s New Substances Notification Regulations
Pinsonnault C.
Emerging pollutants
Canada’s New Substances Notification Regulations
Under the New Substances Program, Health Canada (HC) and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) administer the New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers) and New Substances Notification Regulations (Organisms) (NSNR) of...Read more
new substances, environmental risk assessment, human health risk assessment, risk management measures, New Substances Notification Regulations
Evaluation of Toxicity of Three Antibiotics to Germination and Early Growth of Trifolium alexandrinum Seeds
(Corresponding) Fiaz M., Arshad M.
Emerging pollutants
Antibiotics are one of the most important emerging contaminants as they have been detected in several environmental compartments including soil. Compared to the wide literature on the effects of antibiotics on aquatic organisms, knowledge and understanding of their potential effects on terrestrial...Read more
Effect of water extractable organic matter from Pamvotis lake sediment on three psychoactive drugs under simulated solar light
Emerging pollutants
Psychoactive drugs are classified as contaminants of emerging concern but there is limited information on their fate in surface waters. Here, we studied the fate of three drugs (sertraline, clozapine and citalopram) upon irradiation in the presence of the Pamvotis lake organic matter (WEOM)...Read more
antidepressants, photodegradation, organic matter from sediment, hydroxyl radicals, photoproducts
Determination of the occurrence of pharmaceuticals in Irish surface waters
(Corresponding) O'Flynn D., Regan F., White B., Hands I., Lawler J.
Emerging pollutants
The rising consumption of pharmaceuticals in the last decade have led to the contamination of global surface water ecosystems from µg/L to ng/L concentrations. The concentrations, fate and toxicological implications of pharmaceuticals and their residues remain generally unknown. The continual...Read more
pharmaceutical, surface water, micro-pollutant, Watch List
Determination of Watch List chemicals in Irish surface waters: Chemical occurrence and analytical method challenges.
(Corresponding) Regan F., Hands I., Rapp Wright H., O'Flynn D., Vickneswaren M., White B.
Emerging pollutants
Contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) which do not have adequate data on occurrence in the environment are being added to the Watch List under the Water Framework Directive. The WL contains multiple CECs or groups of CECs with differing chemistries which can make analysis of surface water samples...Read more
Non-targeted screening workflows for gas chromatography – high-resolution mass spectrometry analysis to find and identify biomagnifying contaminants in biota samples
(Corresponding) Rebryk A., Haglund P.
Emerging pollutants
The health of key species in the Baltic region has been affected by exposure to anthropogenic hazardous substances (AHSs), which accumulate in organisms and are transferred through food chains. Therefore, there is a need for comprehensive characterization of the occurrence and accumulation of AHSs...Read more
Current challenges and future perspectives on the use of contaminant data from apex predators for chemicals hazard prioritization
(Corresponding) Bauer K., Alygizakis N., Badry A., Cincinelli A., Claßen D., Dekker R., Drost W., Duke G., Glowacka N., Gkotsis G., Knopf B., Koschorreck J., Martellini T., Movalli P., Nika M., Nikolopoulou V., Rüdel H., Thomaidis N., Walker L., Treu G., Slobodnik J.
Emerging pollutants
One major challenge in today’s generic risk assessment is, that only a small fraction of the marketed chemicals has been sufficiently evaluated regarding their (eco)toxicological properties or exposure scenarios, while limited data are available for the majority of substances. For instance, many of...Read more
biomonitoring, contaminants of emerging concern, hazard assessment, prioritization, REACH
High resolution mass spectrometric non-target screening and wide-scope target analysis of emerging contaminants and target analysis of legacy contaminants in adult black-tailed godwit Limosa limosa in The Netherlands – preliminary findings
(Corresponding) Movalli P., Piersma T., Hooijmeijer J., Dekinga A., Howison R., Biesmeijer K., Dekker R., Alygizakis N., Gkotsis G., Kostakis M., Nika M., Thomaidis N.
Emerging pollutants
Contaminant monitoring can elucidate exposure of bird populations (and other species in the same biotic communities) to chemical risks. Long-term monitoring of contaminants in birds can moreover be used to assess the effectiveness of chemical risk management measures, identify emerging contaminants...Read more
Ciprofloxacin and sulfamethoxazole biotransformation products in anaerobic packed bed biofilm reactor applied to the sanitary sewage treatment
(Corresponding) Carneiro R., Sabatini C., Titato G., Ferreira T., Zaiat M., Santos-Neto Á.
Emerging pollutants
The presence of antibiotics in the environment has received a lot of attention in recent years due to their ability to promote and spread antimicrobial resistance. In this work, the biodegradation of the antibiotics ciprofloxacin (CIP) and sulfamethoxazole (SMX), as well as the concurrently...Read more
Anaerobic fixed bed biofilm reactor; Antibiotics; Emerging micropollutants; Fluoroquinolone; Sulfonamide.
Santana-Viera S., Montesdecoa-Esponda S., Torres-Padrón M., (Corresponding) Sosa-Ferrera Z., Santana-Rodríguez J.
Emerging pollutants
Microplastics (MPs) are pollutants of emerging concern. These small particles are found throughout the world. Its best-known negative effects are that they can confuse marine organisms that would feed on them, or block their airways. In addition, they have been shown to act as vectors of...Read more