Conference proceedings

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CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Comparative analysis of two microalgae-bacterial symbiotic association growth in papermill effluent enriched through food waste digestate

Talapatra K., (Corresponding) Ghosh U.
Wastewater treatment
New treatment methods are needed to better recycle waste towards the circular economy. Microalgae can be used as an asset to treat effluent and simultaneously produce biofuel. This paper aims to evaluate the growth of microalgae-bacterial symbiotic association in papermill effluent enriched through...Read more
Algal biomass, Microalgae-Bacterial Consortium, Pulp and paper mill effluent, Abbreviations – PPE- Paper Mill Effluent, COD- Chemical oxygen demand, TDN- Total dissolved nitrogen, TDP- Total dissolved phosphorus
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