CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Health Care Waste Management: Challenges and Solutions
(Corresponding) Halldorsdottir S.
Hazardous waste management
Limited attention has been paid to health-care waste management despite an increase in public concern about the management of such waste on a global basis. The objective of this study was to analyse the issues and challenges of health-care waste management as well as possible solutions. It is...Read more
Health-care waste management; Sustainable practices; Protection of the environment; Environmental pollution; Infectious waste.
Development of Porous Carbon Nanomaterials from Petroleum Waste for CO2 Capture and Mineralization
(Corresponding) Jalilov A., Albaiz A., Alsaidan M.
Solid waste management
Herein we report on developing mineral
carbonization technology using porous carbons from
vacuum residue to generate products that are best
suited economically for CO2 sequestration.
Activating of vacuum residue using activation
reagent as Ca(OH)2 and MgO mixed with KOH gives
a porous...Read more
CO2 mineralization, industrial waste, CO2 sequestration, porous carbons, Activating of vacuum residue
Contribution to the exploitation of oil by-products for use in the production of quality feed through the fermentation with the fungal strain LGAM P123 of basidiomyces Pleurotus ostreatus
Solid waste management
In Greece, large quantities of by-products are produced annually from urban and industrial activities among them very high olive oil productionby-products. Thus, the interest of the scientific community has focused on the utilization of olive oil waste mainly as a feed using various microorganisms...Read more
(Corresponding) LIM D., BALLESTEROS F., DE SALES L.
Solid waste management
The problem on solid waste has been and still remains as a major problem in the Philippines especially in developing countries where proper facilities for collection and disposal are not always available. In Metro Manila alone, daily waste generation stands at 8,600 tons coming from a population 12...Read more
Enabling the Total Resource Utilization (TRU) Habitat
Tsantrizos P., (Corresponding) Curry N.
Water, energy and/or food nexus
Terragon Environmental Technologies Inc. has developed a suite of user-friendly technologies to treat solid and liquid byproducts of human consumption now considered “waste” and convert them into “resources” that can be re-used in the same place in which they are generated (in situ). These...Read more
resource recovery, waste-to-energy, grey water, black water, on-site waste management
Pasture biodiversity after five years of establishment of a walnut silvopastoral system fertilized with different types of sewage sludge
Agroforestry, forest and agricultural sustainability
Silvopasture is the combination of woody vegetation with forage and animal production on the same land that allows the diversification of agricultural income and productivity. In the silvopastoral systems, the fertilisation with sewage sludge could increase tree growth and pasture production at the...Read more
agroforestry, waste, grazing, sowing, water treatment plant
Determining a Probability of the uncontrolled landfills emergence in Georgia's Rural Areas Using Integrated Methodology
Buachidze N., Dvalishvili N.
Solid waste management
In this work, with the support of the local municipality, we’ve collected for each highland region the data showing: the number of population, existence of the main sources causing waste, the quantity of the dumpster, the frequency of the waste removal with the relevant technic etc. Based on all...Read more
Negative role of uncontrolled landfills in Georgia in environmental pollution processes
Kuchava G., Buachidze N., Chikviladze K., Shubladze E.
Solid waste management
In the laboratories the special research were carried to determine the pollution level in the samples collected, which due to the direct impact of these types of landfill sites on the surrounding areas, are often the main polluters of environment. The pollution conditions were studied based on...Read more
Challenging the belief that organic waste and plastic should be diverted from landfill on climate change grounds:
(Corresponding) Hutton B., Norrish M., Horan E.
Solid waste management
Abstract Landfill is generally believed to have higher greenhouse gas emissions than composting or waste-to-energy. The EU Landfill Directive requires nations to progressively divert biodegradable waste away from landfill. Waste disposal in landfill is at the bottom of its Waste Hierarchy. Many...Read more
(Corresponding) Mosquera-Losada M., Ferreiro Domínguez N., Dario A., Francisco Javier R., (Corresponding) Jose Javier S., Rigueiro-Rodriguez A.
Solid waste management
Sewage sludge use in agriculture is promoted by the European union since the normative of cleaning waters related to the compulsory use of depuration plants in all cities over 2000 inhabitants was finally implemented in 2005. The USC has been conducted long-term experiment research of application...Read more