Conference proceedings

Displaying 1 - 1 of 1 in urban (remove filter), sensing (remove filter), Environmental data analysis and modelling (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Capability of high resolution satellite images to characterize urban surfaces: spectra comparison and correlation with in field/lab measurements

(Corresponding) Despini F., Costanzini S., Parmeggiani D., Ferrari C., Teggi S., Muscio A., Silvestri M., Rabuffi F., (Corresponding) Musacchio M.
Environmental data analysis and modelling
Environmental remote sensing is an increasingly useful tool for the study of large areas thanks to new sensors with high spatial resolution. These sensors could be able to identify and analyse several urban surfaces, like roofs and pavements. Thus they could be used to study urban areas for several...Read more
Remote sensing, environment, UHI, urban surfaces
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