Conference proceedings

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 in system (remove filter), dynamics (remove filter), CEST2021 (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

A system dynamics model to quantify the impacts of restoration measures on the water-energy-food nexus in the Urmia lake Basin, Iran

Bakhshianlamouki E., Masia S., Karimi P., van der Zaag P., (Corresponding) Susnik J.
Water, energy and/or food nexus
Water scarcity exacerbated by growing demand has created environmental, social, and economic challenges in the Urmia Lake Basin (ULB), Iran. Tackling these requires an integrated approach. A System Dynamics Model is developed simulating the water-energy-food nexus in the ULB as a holistic multi-...Read more
Policy analysis; system dynamics modelling; Urmia Lake; water-energy-food nexus
Paper ID: 

System-Dynamic models for groundwater management in SW Messinia, under different climatic scenarios

(Corresponding) Kastanidi E., Maneas G., Panagopoulos I., Viaene P., De Kok J., Berg H., Manzoni S., Velaoras D., Karageorgis A.
Climpact: national network for climate change and its impacts
SW Messinia, Greece, is an interlinked coastal-inland area in the Eastern Mediterranean region. Extensive olive tree plantations and tourism are the main human activities in the area, both of which depend on groundwater resources to cover their irrigation and supply needs. The same groundwater...Read more
Land-Sea Interactions, Social Ecological System, Climate scenarios, System Dynamics
Paper ID: 