CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Durability of cement mortars and concretes exposed to biological attack as one of the sustainability parameter – a correlation analysis
(Corresponding) Ondrejka Harbulakova V., Estokova A., Smolakova M., Luptakova A.
Energy technologies and sustainability
Among the pillars of the sustainability, the aspect of prolongation of life of constructions has to be involved. Focus on sustainability of construction leads to study of durability of building materials. Phenomenon called biocorrosion, existing mainly in concrete sewer systems, agricultural...Read more
Simulating nutrient loads in an intensively cultivated Mediterranean watershed under current and projected climate conditions
(Corresponding) Pisinaras V., Kamidis N., Koutrakis E., Hatzigiannakis E., Panagopoulos A.
Hydrology and water resources
On the global scale, agriculture constitutes the most significant non-point pollution source for surface water bodies, especially in terms of nitrogen and phosphorus. Located in northeastern Greece, Vistonis basin constitutes the area that discharges into Vistonis estuarine system, which is very...Read more
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) & Indicators: Managing Drylands under Climate Change Conditions
Potamianou N., (Corresponding) Papadopoulou C., Papadopoulou M., Charchousi D.
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
The future sustainable development constitutes a critical issue at a global scale. It builds upon the concepts of combating poverty & inequality, mitigating climate change impacts as well as protecting natural & cultural resources through innovation & adoption of eco-friendly solutions...Read more
Εffect of summer drought in the natural regeneration of valonia oak
(Corresponding) PAPADOPOULOS A.
Agroforestry, forest and agricultural sustainability
This paper presents an initial attempt to investigate the effect of drought in the mortality of valonia oak (Quercus ithaburensis subsp. macrolepis) seedlings and young saplings in a silvopastoral system in western Greece. The experiment was conducted in fenced experimental plots where the number...Read more
An Assessment of Soil Erosion using RUSLE Model: A Case Study from the Marmara Region
Ezer A., (Corresponding) Güven B.
Estimation and prediction under past and future conditions (climate, population, land use change)
Soil resource is essential for livelihood of human being. Soil erosion is one of the most serious natural problem affected by land degradation, agricultural and other human induced activities, such as climate change, particularly the changed precipitation trend. The aim of the study is applying the...Read more
soil erosion, rusle model, climate change, the marmara region, turkey
The climate change and relevant negative impacts are currently widely discussed topic. The agricultural soil erosion represent the risks generated also by agricultural activities reflected in soil quality. Rapid climate change can cause the instability of most agricultural and forest ecosystems...Read more
Climate Change, Agricultural Soil, Water Erosion, Wind Erosion
Livestock Greenhouse Gases emissions and its contribution to Climate Change. The case study of a Cyprus cow farm
LOIZIA P., (Corresponding) VOUKKALI I., ZORPAS A.
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Human population is expected to increase from 7.8 to 9.4 billion by 2050. At the same time the demand for agricultural products will increase by about 50-70%. As a result, there is a growing awareness that rapid growth in global production and consumption of livestock products is contributing to...Read more
Estimation of Evapotranspiration under the Effect of Climate Change in Egypt
(Corresponding) Gado T., Mohameden M., Rashwan I.
Hydrology and water resources
Accurate estimation of evapotranspiration is important for water resources management. In this study, using historical meteorological data of 21 stations, the FAO Penman-Monteith method (FAO56-PM) was applied to predict the reference evapotranspiration (ETo) in Egypt during the late of this century...Read more
Life Cycle Assessment of Cheese in Terms of Climate Change
(Corresponding) Dagiliūtė R., Minkevičiūtė I., Dikšaitytė A.
Life cycle analysis (lca)
Milk products are important sources of nutrients in the human diet; however, they have a significant impact on the environment, particularly because of the greenhouse gases that are generated during the production of these products. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the impact of life cycle of...Read more
life cycle assessment, cheese, climate change, Lithuania
Integrating Seaport Infrastructure Monitoring Approaches to Improve Smartness and Climate Adaptive Capacity
(Corresponding) Tsaimou C., Chalastani V., Sartampakos P., Tsoukala V.
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Seaport infrastructure monitoring promotes the development of an effective management system that ensures functionality, structural capacity and safety. Monitoring approaches are considered to be a useful tool in an attempt to deal with growing global trends, such as seaport “smartness”, or with...Read more