Conference proceedings

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 in circular (remove filter), utilization (remove filter), management (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

The Circular Economy Shift for Business Models: Creating value from waste in the Peach Canning industry

(Corresponding) Paraskevopoulou C., Vlachos D.
Circular economy and industrial symbiosis
With the Circular Economy (CE) concept emerging, the reorganization of the supply chain (SC) and the reengineering of its processes is highlighted. In Greece, industrialized agriculture and more specifically the peach canning industry can be an important factor for the economy within and outside...Read more
Circular Economy, Sustainability, Peach Canning, peach kernel utilization, peach waste management
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The environmental benefits of small-scale timber frame dwellings for utilization of forested and rural remote areas in Greece

(Corresponding) Psilovikos T., (Corresponding) Stergiadou A., Moutsopoulos D.
Spatial environmental planning
Wood is the only renewable material produced by photosynthesis. Wood has the ability to preserve the stored carbon in its molecular structure as long as remain within a structure. Small-scalelightweight timber dwellings are gaining recognition in Europe after the dominance of concrete and steel...Read more
Timber frames, embodied energy, waste management, circular economy- forest utilization
Paper ID: 