Conference proceedings

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 in The impact of citizen science on environmental attitudes, behaviour and knowledge (remove filter), CEST2023 (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

How science-society interactions design post-mining territories: transdisciplinary patterns in Cevennes, France

(Corresponding) Bonincontro T., Cerceau J., Tena-Chollet F., Becerra S.
The impact of citizen science on environmental attitudes, behaviour and knowledge
Abstract In line with the European Union's guidelines, the context of a mining resurgence in metropolitan France plans the prospective opening or reopening of mines. In this general context, the politicization of the post-mining subsurface is sparked by this mining industry rebirth, linked to...Read more
citizen science, transdisciplinarity, knowledge, post-mining territory
Paper ID: 

Understanding of consumers' water consumption preferences and environmental consciousness

Theodoridou G., Avramidou P., Kassianidis P., Partalidou M., (Corresponding) Samaras P.
The impact of citizen science on environmental attitudes, behaviour and knowledge
Water is arguably nowadays one of the most important commodities of increasing socio-economic and political value. Several studies have investigated the factors influencing consumers' perception of water quality and water service quality and conclude that are influenced by a constellation of...Read more
drinking water, bottled water, purchasing behavior, ecological consciousness
Paper ID: 

Analysing the indicators and the associated recommendations of household emission calculators

(Corresponding) Alexopoulos C., Karelis C., Keramidis P., Orfanou A., Lekkas D., Charalabidis Y.
The impact of citizen science on environmental attitudes, behaviour and knowledge
Climate change and greenhouse gas emissions are some of the most noted topics of the last years. Carbon footprint calculators provide an interesting solution when it comes to informing people about the above topic. These calculators try to estimate the carbon footprint, the total amount of...Read more
Carbon Footprint Calculators, Climate Change, Carbon Offset
Paper ID: 