Conference proceedings

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 in CEST2023 (remove filter), Mitigation policies (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

EIP-AGRI innovation drivers on the path to climate change mitigation and adaptation: Multi-Actor approach mapping

Rodriguez Rigueiro F., Santiago-Freijanes J., Fountas S., Panoutsopoulos H., Ferreiro DomĂ­nguez N., (Corresponding) Mosquera Losada M.
Mitigation policies
Multi-Actor projects (MAPs) are a type of action funded by the EU Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe programmes to foster agricultural innovation in response to the challenges of climate change and rural depopulation. This study describes the regional deployment and synergies of 120 MAPs coordinated...Read more
Rural development, EUREKA, Innovation drivers, AKIS, Green Deal
Paper ID: 

Exploring the mitigation potential of tree crops ecosystems in the Mediterranean region

Bithas K., (Corresponding) Latinopoulos D., Petridou F., Spanos I., Sotiropoulos A., Haroutounian S., Roussos P., Montanaro G., Evergetis E., Intrigliolo D., Mimis A., Sotiropoulou R., Tagaris E.
Mitigation policies
Orchards agro-ecosystems display a significant potential to act a net sink for atmospheric carbon, offering significant land-based mitigation services. This mitigation potential depends greatly on cultivated species and applied cultivation practices. In this context, the study herein aims to...Read more
Carbon sequestration, ecosystem services, climate policy, carbon farming, land-based mitigation
Paper ID: 