Displaying 281 - 290 of 515 in CEST2019 (remove filter)
CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Tissue-specific TfR expression in organs of immature mice after chronic exposure to CoCl2
Gluhcheva Y., Petrova E., (Corresponding) Pavlova E., Tinkov A., AJSUVAKOVA O., Rashev P., Vladov I., Skalny A.
Heavy metals in the environment
The wide use of cobalt (Co) due to anthropogenic and industrial activities has increased its concentration in the environment in the last years. Cobalt chloride (CoCl2) is the most commonly used agent in experimental models for inducing chemical hypoxia. The present study was designed to elucidate...Read more
cobalt chloride, in vivo model, transferrin receptor 1, tissue specific expression, iron homeostasis
Cobalt and Phosphorous Recovery from Semiconductor Wastewater through Homogeneous Crystallization of Cobalt Phosphate in a Fluidized-bed Reactor
Bayon L., Ballesteros Jr. F., Segura-Garcia S., (Corresponding) Lu M.
Heavy metals in the environment
Semiconductor manufacturing involves distinct processes that generate complex wastewater streams that require treatment before it proceeds to the main wastewater effluents. The present study utilized fluidized-bed crystallization to recover resources from the combined synthetic wastewater of...Read more
Anaerobic ammonium nitrogen oxidation and sulphate reduction in psychrophilic conditions
Przywara L.
Wastewater treatment
Investigations of simultaneous removal of ammonium and sulphate were carried out in anaerobic laboratory bioreactor - upflow anaerobic filter (UAF). The bioreactor was filled with the anaerobic activated sludge from WWTP Bielsko – Biała. The process was operated in psychrophilic conditions...Read more
ammonium and sulfate removal, reactor UAF, psychrophilic conditions
Rapid bacteria detection in drinking water samples with on-chip Mach-Zehnder Interferometers
(Corresponding) Angelopoulou M., Petrou P., Misiakos K., Raptis I., Kakabakos S.
Drinking water safety
Drinking water contamination by pathogenic bacteria poses a great danger for public health, since according to WHO 5 million deaths are associated to water related diseases annually. To safeguard drinking water quality, several techniques for bacteria detection, such as culturing and plating, ELISA...Read more
immunosensor, Mach-Zehnder Interferometers, bacteria, drinking water
Comparative effects of salinomycin and meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) on lead induced impairment of reproductive function in male mice
(Corresponding) Pavlova E., Kamenova K., Gluhcheva Y., Petrova E., Ivanova J., Atanassova N.
Heavy metals in the environment
Lead (Pb) directly targets testicular spermatogenesis and also the sperms in the epididymis inducing reproductive toxicity. In our study we compare the effects of meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) and tetraethylammonium salt of salinomycinic acid on Pb content and the endogenous levels of...Read more
Comparative studies of the equilibrium adsorption of CO2 onto coal ash zeolites Na-X and Na-Ca-X
(Corresponding) Boycheva S., Marinov I., Miteva S., Zgureva D.
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Coal-fired Thermal Power Plants (TPPs) are the main source of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere, but they also generate huge amounts of solid by-products, including fly ash (FA). A modern strategy for sustainable energy production is to improve the ecology of the TPPs by developing...Read more
Low-carbon technologies, Carbon capture, Zero emissions Power Plants, CO2 adsorption
UN(K)NOWN Project: Development of Anammox microbial inocula to improve nitrogen removal efficiency in wastewater treatment
(Corresponding) Ribeiro H., Machado A., Costa-Dias S., Wijaya I., Salgado P., Bordalo A., Teixeira C.
Wastewater treatment
The discovery of anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) revealed the existence of a shortcut in the classic nitrogen cycle where ammonium is converted directly to dinitrogen gas. Anammox process can be used to develop more cost and energy-efficient sustainable nitrogen removal systems comparing to...Read more
LED light tailoring in a planar photobioreactor for optimization of microalgae growth.
(Corresponding) Riggio V., Occhipinti A., Grinic D., Zanetti M.
Environmental biotechnology and bioenergy
Microalgae are well known for their potential in producing valuable substances for nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industries, as well as a source of biofuel. Currently, the use of the photosynthetic capacity of microalgae is a new alternative for carbon dioxide bio-fixation. Therefore, the...Read more
Microalgae, Scenedesmus obliquus, LED, biomass, CO2 biofixation
Geogenic Cr(VI) in groundwater of the Pollino Massif (southern Apennines): occurrence and remediation
(Corresponding) Paternoster M., Rizzo G., Sinisi R., Vilardi G., Di Palma L., Mongelli G.
Efficient water resources management in cr(vi) impacted water bodies
In this study total Cr, Cr(VI), Ni, major and some trace elements were determined in groundwater of northern sector of the Pollino Massif. The investigated area is characterized by ophiolitic rocks consisting of metabasites and cataclastic and highly fractured serpentinites. Two different hydro-...Read more
Laboratory scale study of photooxidation treatment for removal of pharmaceutical residues from water matrices
(Corresponding) Záray G., Dóbé S., Gombos E., Krakkó D., Mihucz V.
Advanced oxidation processes
The effluent of wastewater treatment plants applying conventional three steps treatment procedure contains non-degradable organic micro-pollutants, mostly pharmaceutical residues. In Germany and Switzerland granulated activated carbon is used to reduce the concentration of these contaminants by...Read more