Displaying 111 - 120 of 515 in CEST2019 (remove filter)
CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
An integrated methodology to estimate the contribution of environmental factors controlling the spatial variation of total dissolved solids. Application on Jiu River Basin (Romania)
(Corresponding) Morosanu G., Zaharia L., Ioana - Toroimac G.
Enviornmental data analysis and modelling
The variation of the total dissolved solids (TDS) in river water is highly dependent on the natural and anthropogenic features of the TDS source areas, namely the river basins upstream of the measurement points. Despite the significant theoretical knowledge on the factors governing the TDS...Read more
total dissolved solids, GIS, PCA, regression, Jiu River
Water resources management in education for sustainable development
(Corresponding) Tzaberis N., Paraskeva D., Tatarakis N.
Water treatment
Issues relating to water resources are included among the most serious environmental problems. Pollution and deterioration of the receiving surface water and groundwater, mainly from human activities, pose an immediate threat to natural ecosystems and the functions of biosphere reserves, the...Read more
Water resources management, education for sustainable development
The use of biochar from waste wooden biomass for removal of emerging pollutants
(Corresponding) Žgajnar Gotvajn A., Carvalho A., Marinšek M., Kalčikova G.
Wastewater treatment
Biochar can be produced usig variety of waste biomass to achieve goals of zero waste management and circular economy. It has been used as adsorbent in the past for water and wastewater treatment. Recetly, the application of natural porous materials for removal of emerging pollutants gained a lot of...Read more
Second generation bioethanol production from household food wastes via a newly isolated yeast strain of Wickerhamomyces anomalus
Dazea D., Antonopoulou G., Alexandropoulou M., Ben Atitallah I., Mechichi T., (Corresponding) Ntaikou I., Lyberatos G.
Environmental biotechnology and bioenergy
The aim of the present study, was to investigate the efficiency of second generation bioethanol production from the pre-dried and shredded organic fraction of household food waste (food residue biomass, FORBI) using the newly isolated yeast Wickerhamomyces anomalus X19. W. anomalus is a...Read more
Production of PHAs with enhanced properties from sugar-based wastewater in a two stage process
Environmental biotechnology and bioenergy
The experimental design of the study was based on two different microbial processes, i.e. anaerobic fermentation of a sugar-based wastewater via mixed acidogenic cultures and aerobic polymerization of the produced acids and alcohols for poly-hydroxy-alkanoates (PHAs) production, via enriched...Read more
PHAs, up-flow column reactor, SBR, two stage process
Microbiological treatment of water by cold plasma at atmospheric pressure
(Corresponding) Cubas A., Machado M., Moecke E.
Water treatment
Ensuring the world's population access to drinking water is one of the millennium's challenges, for although our planet is made up of 70% of water, poor distribution and water quality are problems that concern world leaders, being among the objectives of development 2030 agenda set by the...Read more
water treatment, cold plasma, microbiological treatment
Extraction of Oil from Spent Grounds Coffee using Ultrasound as Pre-Extraction Method
(Corresponding) Cubas A., Hermmann K., Bianchet R., Moecke E.
Food waste
The treatment and processing of coffee annually produces a large volume of biological waste, which contributes to environmental pollution, it is estimated that coffee production generates approx. 6 million tonnes of spent coffee grounds per year in the world (GETACHEW and CHUN, 2017). Thus, the...Read more
Spent ground coffee; biological waste; ultrasound method; oil from coffee
Adsorption of silver on virgin and aged microplastics
(Corresponding) Kalčikova G., Jemec Kokalj A., Marolt G., Žgajnar Gotvajn A.
Microplastics in the marine environment
When microplastics enter aquatic ecosystems they are submitted to environmental aging which change their properties. Especially colonization by microorganisms alter their properties in term of density and adsorption properties. Hence the aim of the study was to evaluate the adsorption and leaching...Read more
Triclosan occurrence in European Sewage Treatment Plants and risk assessment for the European rivers
Thomaidi V., Matsoukas C., (Corresponding) Stasinakis A.
Emerging pollutants
The purpose of this study was to estimate the environmental risk associated with the existence of triclosan (TCS) released from municipal wastewater in the European rivers. A literature review was held to record the concentration levels of TCS in effluents of European Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs...Read more
micropollutants, wastewater, risk assessment, Monte Carlo simulation, river water
Multivariate Analysis of Large µ-FTIR Data Sets in Search of Microplastics
(Corresponding) Wander L., Vianello A., Vollertsen J., Braun U., Paul A.
Microplastics in the marine environment
µ-FTIR spectroscopy is a widely used technique in microplastics research. It allows to simultaneously characterize the material of the small particles, fibers or fragments, and to specify their size distribution and shape. Modern detectors offer the possibility to perform two-dimensional imaging of...Read more