Conference proceedings

Displaying 151 - 160 of 515 in (remove filter), CEST2019 (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Characterization of xylanase-Treated Karagumoy Fiber Reinforced Composite (KFRC)

Green chemistry
Effect of Enzyme Treatment on the Properties of Karagumoy Fiber- Reinforced Plastic Composite This work attempts to determine the effects of enzyme treatment on the mechanical properties of a natural fiber-reinforced composite using Pandanus simplex (karagumoy) fibers. The properties of...Read more
enzyme, karagumoy, composite
Paper ID: 

Strategic Spatial Planning for Green Infrastructure. The case of the metropolitan area of Thessaloniki

Sagovits S., (Corresponding) Pozoukidou G.
Environmental management and policies
Intense and varying environmental challenges have become one of the most pressuring goals that contemporary cities struggle to meet. Climate change, excessive urbanization and fragmentation of space are just some of the issues that contemporary cities are called to respond to. Thus, finding an...Read more
Green Infrastructure, strategic spatial planning, metropolitan resilience
Paper ID: 

Assessment of water quality of Asopos River in central Greece using multivariate analysis

Tsadilas C., Tzouvalekas M., (Corresponding) Evangelou E., Papadopoulos S., Papadoulis A., Petsoulas C., Tsitouras A., Grypari P., Smyrnis T.
Lakes, rivers, estuaries and ecosystem health
The main objective of this study was to assess the quality of water from five monitoring stations in Asopos River (central Greece), and evaluate the main factors that affect the river water quality. Fifty one biochemical parameters measured both in situ and in the laboratory three times a year for...Read more
water quality, industrial pollution, agricultural practices, multivariate analysis
Paper ID: 

Ozonation, advanced oxidation and hydrodynamic cavitation for removal of persistant pollutants

(Corresponding) Žgajnar Gotvajn A., Čehovin M.
Advanced oxidation processes
Ozone is commonly used in advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) in combinations with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and UV radiation (UV). Hydrodynamic cavitation (HC) has been experimentally proven to result in effects, typical of AOPs. Combinations of AOPs with O3, H2O2 and UV, and HC (with cavitation...Read more
Hydrodinamic cavitation, hydrogen peroxide, micropollutants, ozone
Paper ID: 

Improving aquaculture environmental footprint utilizing offshore renewable energy

(Corresponding) LILAS T., Antoniou E., Kotrikla A., Vatistas A., Dagkinis I.
Energy technologies and sustainability
The main environmental impacts of aquaculture include eutrophication, chemical pollution and harm to sensitive marine ecosystems. At the same time, the required energy leads to high emissions of greenhouse gases. Offshore wind turbines are a sector of renewable energy that grows rapidly. Offshore...Read more
open sea aquaculture, product environmental footprint, floating windturbine, offshore renewable energy
Paper ID: 

Technical optimization of a treatment process on ABE effluent by membrane technologies

(Corresponding) Stoller M., Bravi M., Russo P., Bubbico R., Mazzarotta B., Sed G., Moroni M.
Water and wastewater reuse
In the last decades, the interest in biofuel production is sensibly growing as a good source of sustainable energy and a valid alternative to fossil ones. One of the most promising biofuel is butanol and might be produced by starting from different substrates, such as second generation ones, that...Read more
ABE wastewater, biofuel, butanol, membranes, fouling
Paper ID: 

Tuning of an advanced control system on a membrane process for tannery wastewater purification and chromium recovery purposes

Marchetti A., (Corresponding) Stoller M.
Wastewater treatment
Tannery wastewater represent a hazard to the environment due to its high content of chromium. Conventional methods to purify this wastewater stream are available, but not capable to recover back chromium to the tannery process. Membranes appears to be a promising technology to achieve both targets...Read more
wastewater treatment, membranes, simulation, adaptive, predective, control system, fouling
Paper ID: 

Water Security of rural water supply systems in super typhoon Haiyan affected areas

Water and climate services - challenges and user-tailored developments
The rural water supply systems in the countryside necessitate sustainability and security assessment to ensure long-term and safe water supply to target beneficiaries. The objective of the study is to analyse the hidden threatening factors in water supply system and recommends sustainability and...Read more
Key words: water supply system water security, water security models, rural water supply systems
Paper ID: 

Evaluating production and utilisation pathways of a coupled Anaerobic Digestion (AD) and Gasification/Pyrolysis system using Life Cycle Analysis (LCA).

(Corresponding) Curry R., Cromie T., Somerville G.
Life cycle analysis (lca)
Life Cycle Analysis modelling has been applied to an operational Anaerobic Digestion (AD) plant, (utilising Cattle Slurry/Grass Silage), currently producing biogas for electricity and heat production, with digestate going to land-spreading. The aim of the research was to evaluate the environmental...Read more
Life-cycle analysis, biogas, methanation, syngas, gasification, pyrolysis, bio-oil
Paper ID: 

Fuel performance of biodiesel from Microalgae

(Corresponding) cercado a., ballesteros f.
Environmental biotechnology and bioenergy
Fuel performance of biodiesel produced from transesterification of microalgae was evaluated to assess its potential as alternative fuel in diesel engine. The biodiesel was produced from transesterification of microalgae Chlorella Vulgaris using K-pumice as catalyst. The engine used in the study was...Read more
Biofuel, transesterification, K-pumice, power, torque
Paper ID: 