CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
The effect of HRT in the successful bioaugmentation of CSTRs working under ammonia toxicity
Tzenos C., Christou M., Kalamaras S., (Corresponding) Kotsopoulos T.
Environmental biotechnology and bioenergy
High levels of ammonia is a common inhibitory factor in anaerobic digestion (AD) resulting in low methane production and unbalance of the process. In the present study, the adjustment of the hydraulic retention time (HRT) and the bioaugmentation process (BP) are investigated to counter the negative...Read more
Peracetic acid disinfection: An effective way to reduce antibiotics resistant bacteria from raw hospital wastewater
(Corresponding) Chhetri R., Sanchez Urbina D., Lindholst S., Rickers C., Elkær T., Gade H., Skaarup J., Andersen H.
Wastewater treatment
Risk of infection from antibiotic resistant bacteria from wastewater to the workers in the plant can be reduced by disinfecting wastewater. Peracetic acid (PAA) was used to disinfect the raw wastewater from hospital in pilot scale experiment. Batch experiment was conducted in parallel to confirm...Read more
Cluster Analysis and Principal Component Analysis using Micropollutant Measurements on the Most Polluted Tributary of Ergene River: Çorlu Stream
(Corresponding) Cingiroglu F., Emadian S., Tezel U., Kaynak B.
Emerging pollutants
This study focuses on investigation the spatial distribution of pollutants in Çorlu Stream is the highest industrialized tributary of Ergene River which is one of the most polluted rivers in Turkey. A total of 250 conventional, metal and micropollutants were scanned at eleven sampling locations for...Read more
cluster analysis, principal component analysis, micropollutants, Ergene River, Çorlu Stream
Simulated effects of streambed vegetation on river hydraulics and the habitat suitability of freshwater macroinvertebrates
(Corresponding) Theodoropoulos C., Syrmou E., Karaouzas I., Gritzalis K., Stamou A.
Hydrology and water resources
We modelled the effects of flexible and rigid streambed vegetation on river hydraulics and macro-invertebrate habitat suitability in flows/discharges ranging from near-dry to floods, in the Oinoi Stream (Attica, Greece). Vegetation was mapped in spring and summer, simulated using two-dimensional...Read more
Technology hybridization for real time particulate matter monitoring
(Corresponding) Louat J., Thaury C., Ben Daoud A., Serge A.
Air pollution
While the monitoring and management of air pollution remains a challenge at a regional level, it also becomes more and more sensitive at very local scale. Both, as hot spot sources, can be very localized, but vulnerable population (in schools, hospital…) due to fluidic effect, especially in cities...Read more
PM10, PM2.5, monitoring, air quality, micro-sensors, MP101M, hybridization
Nation-wide monitoring campaign of 49 contaminants of emerging concern in surface waters and sediments (EMNAT 2018): occurrence and PNEC exceedance evaluation
(Corresponding) Assoumani A., Lestremau F., Ferret C., Lepot B., Le Gall M., Salomon M., Budzinski H., Dévier M., Labadie P., Le Menach K., Pardon P., Wiest L., Vulliet E., Staub P.
Emerging pollutants
The overall objective of the 2018 survey campaign of contaminants of emerging concern in surface waters (continental and coastal) and sediments known as EMNAT 2018, is to provide monitoring data for the emerging contaminants prioritization exercise, which will allow the update of the list of...Read more
Biocides, surfactants, river waters, coastal waters, ecotoxicological threshold exceedance
Effect of pH on Release of Metals from Conventional and Cool Cement Blocks
(Corresponding) Soultanidis V., Papaspiros J., Voudrias E.
Heavy metals in the environment
Pavements constructed from conventional cement blocks absorb solar radiation during the day and release it into the atmosphere at night. In contrast, cool cement blocks reflect sun’s radiation back to the sky, reducing their surface temperature and, thus, mitigating the heat island effect. Cement...Read more
Considering LSI in MSP in Greece: updates and challenges
(Corresponding) Papageorgiou M., Kyvelou S.
Spatial environmental planning
The LSI analysis should be understood as an important component in the preparation of MSPlans to be reached through consistency of policies and decision-making. In Greece, although LSI as a term is fully incorporated in MSP legislation, its consideration may be easily and completely disregarded,...Read more
Being a metropolis, Istanbul requires a well-functioning urban service system. Water supply is among the most important infrastructures in this city that has around 15-16 million habitants. There are many water treatment plants all around Istanbul to facilitate healthy water supply to people. On...Read more
Water treatment, Environmental impacts, Life cycle assessment, Operation
Investigation of the relationship between Hg speciation in soil and human health and ecological risk assessment
Environmental exposures and human health
Mercury (Hg) pollution in soils can have major effects on human health and ecological systems. Concentrations, toxicological behaviour and bioavailability of different Hg species, both in the environment and in biological systems differ greatly, and are significa nt in the estimation of both human...Read more
mercury species total mercury human heal th risk assessment ecological risk assessment reference dose