Response of the lichen Evernia prunastri to exposure of antibiotic

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Published under CEST2023
Proceedings ISBN:
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
(Corresponding) Sujetovienė G., Miškelytė D., Dikšaitytė A., Januškaitienė I., Kacienė G., Žaltauskaitė J.
Tetracycline antibiotics are one of the main groups of antibiotics widely used in medicine and a major environmental concern. However, the effects on non-target organisms are not well studied. Thalli of lichens artificially were exposed to high levels tetracycline to determine the impact on physiological parameters (integrity of cell membranes, chlorophyll content, photosynthetic efficiency) and oxidative stress response (membrane lipid peroxidation). The results of the experiment showed that exposure affected the lichen membrane damage as indicated by increase in conductivity. The potential photosystem II efficiency (Fv/Fm) was susceptible to the impact of antibiotic. The concentrations of TBARS were markedly increased with increasing concentration of tetracycline. The results of the study supplemented the knowledge on the effects of pollution on organisms, such as veterinary antibiotics, on lichens and provided a better understanding of the mechanisms of toxicity.
tetracycline, lichen, membrane permeability, chlorophyll fluorescence, oxidative stress