Catalytic Enhancement of Ozone-Based Processes for Removal of Selected Antibiotics from Wastewaters

Paper ID: 
Advanced oxidation processes
Published under CEST2021
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-1-9
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
(Corresponding) Žgajnar Gotvajn A., Derco J., Antončič T., Vrabel M.
The aim of our work was to use advanced oxidation processes based on formation of reactive hydroxyl radicals (OH·) due to ozonation and its combination with H2O2, Fe2+ as catalyst and UV light for removal of Amoxicillin and Levofloxacin from model wastewaters at different pHs. Removal efficiencies were monitored by TOC (Total Organic Carbon) and COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) measurements. Kinetics of oxidation was determined based on two-stage consecutive reaction presuming pseudo first order kinetics. Amoxicillin degraded during ozontion up to 33%. The most efficient was combination of O3/Fe2+/H2O2/UV (76%). In the case of Levofloxacin removal efficiencies for were up to 83% 8. Addition of H2O2 did not improve treatment efficiency, Kinetics of degradation confirmed rapid first degradation stages of both antibiotics, while the by-products degradation was slower. Investigated procedures exhibited potential for efficient removal of antibiotics from wastewaters.
antibiotics, biotreatability, kinetics, ozonation