Origin of Cr in alluvial sediments and ultramafic rocks in Sultanate of Oman. Magnetic fractionation and sunlight effect.
Paper ID:
Soil and groundwater contamination and remediation
Published under CEST2019
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-0-2
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
The present study attempts to identify the sources of Cr(VI) in a coastal alluvial fan soil and soil from a chromite mine. In addition investigates the effect of photochemically oxidized organic matter in the Cr(VI) mobilization in soil. The alluvial bulk soil samples contain several evidence of weathered products of the ophiolite nappe like serpentine and amphiboles. For better characterization we separated different soil fractions with magnetic separation. The results showed that magnetic fraction exhibits high amount of serpentine. The XRF-analysis showed Mg and Cr to be enriched on average by 2.5 and 6 times, respectively. The produced fractions were mixed with glucose to simulate organic carbon and then leached with KH2PO4/Na2HPO4 for the exchangeable Cr in all fractions before and after the exposure of the samples in the sun for several days. The results showed that soils from chromite mine were influenced by oxidation of organic matter with 20-30% reduction in Cr(VI) release, while alluvial fun soils showed very high capacity to immobilize Cr(VI) without any effect from organic matter oxidation.
Geogenic chromium, serpentine, ophiolite, oxidation.