Screening of 102 organic pollutants in groundwater along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in China by GC×GC-TOFMS
Published under CEST2019
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-0-2
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
Screening of 102 organic pollutants in groundwater along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in China by GC×GC-TOFMS. A total of 45 samples were collected. The targets of the investigation involve multiple types of organic pollutants such as Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their derivatives, phthalates (PAEs), phenols, anilines, polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) et al. The results showed that naphthalene, fluoranthene and phthalates are commonly detected compounds. There are 8 categories of organic pollutants detected. The highest concentration of 4-nitrobiphenyl is as high as 430 μg/L, and other targets were detected at the higher concentration in the sample. It means groundwater in the sites have been polluted by micro organic pollutant.
Screening, Organic pollutants, Groundwater, GC×GC-TOFMS,