O-fire+: a pioneer solution on wildfire incident planning and response for enhancing the resilience of individual infrastructures
Paper ID:
Disaster risk reduction and management
Published under CEST2019
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-0-2
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
Wildland fires can seriously affect infrastructures causing extended direct or indirect financial losses, as well as societies causing the loss of properties, landscape quality and even human lives. The relevant management requires effective planning prior and quick/targeted response during those incidents. Wrong/poorly made decisions can lead to disastrous effects. OMIKRON SA has developed Ofire+, a new system addressed to emergency planning and response managers in both public and private sectors, managing infrastructure prone to wildfires. Ofire+ aspires to become an integrated solution on wildfire incident planning and response, helping decision makers to lower response times during wildfire threats, while increasing direct and indirect protection levels. The system utilizes reliable scientific, operational and management datasets making it a complete real-time decision support system with a wide range of applications, while it comprises of two parts: a web/cloud based control center for the decision makers and an accompanying mobile app for the visitors/staff. Overall, the key advantage is the fact that Ofire+ operates on local vegetation, thus analytic local fuel types which produce local sensitivity, enhanced accuracy and practical usage. Finally, Ofire+’s core innovation is the combination of sound theoretical/scientific knowledge with new ICT solutions into a practical and user-friendly, integrated system.
cloud-based DSS, Wildland fires, disaster management, emergency planning