Characterization of xylanase-Treated Karagumoy Fiber Reinforced Composite (KFRC)

Paper ID: 
Green chemistry
Published under CEST2019
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-0-2
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
Effect of Enzyme Treatment on the Properties of Karagumoy Fiber- Reinforced Plastic Composite This work attempts to determine the effects of enzyme treatment on the mechanical properties of a natural fiber-reinforced composite using Pandanus simplex (karagumoy) fibers. The properties of karagumoy fibers are presented. Physical modification such as enzyme treatment is employed to improve the chemical and mechanical properties of the fibers and the karagumoy fiber-reinforced composites (KFRCs) that were produced. The treatment scheme sufficiently improves the mechanical properties of the fibers and composites, as well as, the composites’ water absorption property. The morphology of fibers and composites is determined through the use of a scanning electron microscope (SEM). SEM results indicate a reduction in fiber diameter for the treated fibers and an increase in fiber surface roughness, thereby resulting to an improved adhesion or compatibility between the hydrophilic fiber and the hydrophobic matrix. FTIR analysis results of the fibers further support this finding as evidenced by the reduction in OH groups of the enzyme-treated karagumoy fibers.
enzyme, karagumoy, composite