What can we do about Smartphone-addiction – or the dream of a wireless-free digital detox Island

Paper ID: 
The non ionizing radiation from wireless technology: a 21 century revolution or a global pollution and health hazard
Published under CEST2019
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-0-2
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
Mosgoeller W., (Corresponding) Lercher P.
Since the introduction of wireless technology, these devices penetrated all strata of the society. Even children use mobile phones regularly and excessively long. Currently we see the rise of behavioural changes and symptoms indicating addiction. According to various studies on the addiction potential of digital devices, there is an increasing need to respond to the association of "screen time" and altered social behaviour. There is academic discussion whether the problematic use of smartphones use really fulfils all criteria for the diagnosis "Addiction". Considering addiction as a disorder with severe effects on physical and psychological health, it is clear, that the observed behaviour has a similar presentation as addiction in terms of excessive use, impulsive control problems and negative consequences. In its socio-cultural context there is a need for research on the underlying neurobiology and mechanisms. We propose the installation of holiday camps equipped for behavioural therapies to offer immediate help to families or individuals that suffer from modern technology pathologic use. An ideal setting could be a region that abstains from wireless modern technology networks and provides facilities to consume addictive technology under controlled conditions. Currently we are looking for a Greek island that can be dedicated to the project.
Digital Detox, Smartphone addiction, internet, wireless free zone, nicosia declaration