Development and promotion of the WEEE prevention culture in Greece
Published under CEST2019
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-0-2
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
WEEE streams challenge the goals towards a circular economy, since WEEE contain valuable and scarce resources that could be prepared for a second life or recovered. In the framework of the project LIFE REWEEE (LIFE14 ENV/GR/000858), Hellenic Recycling Agency (HRA) aims to raise awareness among stakeholders and consumers on the preference for reuse rather than consumption and recycling. A set of specifications have been prepared, applicable to the collection, storage, sorting of WEEE and to all stages of the preparing for reuse process. The specifications aim to provide an integrated legal framework in Greece and simultaneously a standard procedure for managing WEEE in order to encourage the reuse of WEEE as promoted by the Directive 2012/19/EU and the MD 23615/651/Ε.103/2014. Moreover, a Guide describing prevention and management practices of WEEE addressed to citizens was prepared, which provides information to the citizens concerning ways of extending appliances’ life and alternative treatment ways of WEEE. Finally, Repair Events were organized for citizens who had the opportunity to repair their appliances without cost and to be introduced in an attractive way to the WEEE prevention culture. This paper presents the HRA’s actions to promote reuse as well as restrictions faced and further actions.
Waste electric and electronic equipment, WEEE, prevention, preparation for reuse specifications, environmental awareness