Evaluation of phytotoxicity of landfill leachates after treatment with UV radiation based processes
Paper ID:
Soil and groundwater contamination and remediation
Published under CEST2023
Proceedings ISBN:
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
The aim of this study is to investigate the ability of reuse landfill leachates after advanced treatment in agriculture. UV/Fenton and Fenton processes were applied in the treatment of a stabilized (L2) and a medium (L1) landfill leachate. In addition to above data, phytotoxicity tests were performed using Sorghum saccharatum seeds and estimating the germination index (GI). The results have shown that both untreated non-diluted leachates L1 and L2 were toxic as their GI values were 0. Fenton treatment was more effective in reducing the phytotoxicity of stabilized non-diluted leachates, compared to UV-Fenton treatment. The results of the study have shown that Sorghum saccharatum seeds respond differently to Fenton and UV/Fenton treated, as well as to stabilized and medium landfill leachates samples.
landfill leachate, phytotoxicity, advanced oxidation process, Fenton